Ink Groups

Ink Groups are used in BOSPrint to provide the Estimator with a list of inks available in the production environment. This list is based on the specific Printing Type of the job, or if this is left unspecified in the Estimate, the Estimator can select any of the listed Ink Groups. A Press or a key customer may use a specific set of inks, so creating an Ink Group will make sure for accurate and speedy estimation.

Discover Ink Groups

Ink Groups Data Grid


Main menu > Setup > Ink Groups

  1. Find - Enter text here and click Find to search for a specific Ink Group.
  2. Lookup Description - This is the description for the Ink Group.
  3. Quote Description - This is the description that will be shown on the quote.
  4. Type - This shows what Printing Type the Ink Group is linked to.
  5. New - Click this button to create a new Ink Group.
    • To edit an Ink Group simply double-click or right-click and select Edit.

Ink Groups Setup


Main menu > Setup > Ink Groups > New/Edit

  1. Lookup description - Add a description for this Ink Group. This is what is visible when selecting an Ink Group on the Estimate Print Wizard.
  2. Quote description - This is what will appear on the Description tab of the Quotation.
    • Copy Lookup - This is to copy the Lookup description into the Quote description.
  3. Type - This is the list of available Printing Types that can be linked to this Ink Group.
  4. Material - This is where the ink (Material) is linked to the ink group. For example, you will add the 4 Process colours from Materials & Inventory to make a 4 Process colour ink group as shown in the image above.
    • By Clicking the Add Ink from Material button a Find Material window will appear. Select a Material Type and click View. Select the desired material Item and click Select. See image below:

5. Description - This shows the ink description.

6. Unit - This sets the measurement type per unit of this Ink Group.

7. Unit Price - This specifies the price for a single Unit.

8. Kg/1000 A1 - This sets the number of kilograms of ink used to cover 500m².

9. Setup (kg) - This is the specified kilograms of ink required during setup.

10. C % - This is the coverage percentage of ink on the printed substrate.

11. Plates - This specifies the number of plates needed to print the ink.

How to Create an Ink Group

Watch this short video on how to create a 4 process coulour Ink Group:

What is Spot Colour?

Spot Colours are picked using the PMS (Pantone Matching System). Compared to CMYK, Spot Colour blends inks during the print process and then transfers solid fields of the pre-mixed ink directly onto the page. Colours are reliably consistent from print run to print run due to this process. Spot Colour can typically be used for print pieces with 1 – 3 colours only.