Contact Groups

Sorting Customers into Contact Groups improves CRM and allows you a more efficient and measurable customer contact.

You can use Contact Groups to send segmented, bulk, personalised emails from BOS, or to facilitate the planning and execution of marketing campaigns or CRM campaigns.

Contact Groups Data Grid


CRM > Contact Groups.


Be sure to have setup the following first:

Group Setup

  • Click Add or Edit.
  • Complete the pop-up window - as shown in the explanation / example below.
  1. Name - Enter a name that best describes this Contact Group.
  2. ID - This ID is automatically generated by BOS.
  3. Static check-box - This allows you to select the Contact Group type. See Note below:


There are two types of Contact Groups:

1. Static List - Static List is populated by adding contacts to the mail group manually and does not use SQL statements to pull the information.

2. Dynamic List - Dynamic List is populated by SQL similar to a report. The SQL for a Dynamic Contact Group must return all of the following fields named exactly as in the list below:

    • TITLE
    • FNAME
    • SNAME
    • EMAIL
    • SMS
    • REP

To select Dynamic List you must simply uncheck the Static check-box.

4. Add - This allows you to add Members to the Group. You can select from the drop down list in the Name field, which will auto-populate the remaining fields.

5. Members - This data grid shows the listed Members within this Group.

    • To add a member to this group, click Add. Next select the Name from the drop down list and click Save, the other fields will automatically populate.

Find out how to set-up a Supplier Group and Customer Group for E-mailing here.