Time Capsules



Graphite Pencils on Paper

Still Life


Graphite Pencils on Paper

Corner of a Room


Graphite Pencils on Paper

All three pieces of my artwork started out with the assignment. I was told to draw still life. a portrait of myself, an object, and a corner of a room, using no phtos. For all of these pieces of artwork, I just picked the first things that were in front of me. with all of these three pieces of artwork, I was trying to capture what they really looked like.

In order to create these three pieces of work, I used a graphite pencil and my finger for shading. With that, I also used a water bottle, one of the corners of my room, a mirror, and my face in order to draw these three different things. On each drawing, I spent time focusing on using my graphite to create different shades in different areas to try and capture what they looked like in real life.

When I was assigned the three drawings that I had to create from still life, meaning no photo, I picked the first things that were right in front of me. I started out with a water bottle that was sitting on my desk in front of me. Because I had to try and capture what it really looked like I didn't use my imagination too much. I focused on how the light hit it at different angles on different areas of the water bottle. From there I just focused on adding in the shading, making things a little bit darker and some a little lighter. On the self -portrait I used a mirror to be able to look at myself. I tried to focus on the different shapes of my face and how the light hit those certain areas. I focused a lot on the alignment of the face as well as the shading. On the corner of a room drawing, I chose to draw the corner that was right in front of me. With this drawing, I focused on the angles of the wall and how the light created shadows on that. I also tried to pay attention to how the sunlight hit the area behind the slightly opened door to my closet. I focused a lot on detailed lines and shading.