Extended Blind Contour Drawing

Man Smoking, Ducky in Pond, Race Car

Black Pen, Water Colors


Originally when I was looking at my three different extended blind contour drawings I had no idea what I could make out of them. First, I saw the drawing of my hand as a guy with smoke coming out of his mouth. Then, I saw the drawing of my face like a duck swimming in a pond with bushes around it. And finally, I saw the drawing of another person as a race car.

To make these three different pieces of artwork I used a black Sharpie pen as well as various water colors. With the black pen I looked at the objects that I was drawing at and I used it to draw what I was seeing. From there I used it to create more of a drawing. I then used the water colors to ad some color to the drawings.

After brainstorming what I wanted each drawing to look like for a long time, I figured out what I wanted my three different drawings to look like. I went into each with my black pen and tried to make a more realistic outline of a drawing. Once I was happy with the drawings that I made, I took my water colors and started lightly adding them into the drawings that I made to try and bring them to life. I decided on what colors I used where based on what looked more realistic as well as whatever colors popped up in the images in my head. From there I kept adding color until I was happy with the drawings.