Pure Contour

Hand Holding a Rubber Band

Graphite on drawing paper


Front View of a Show

Graphite on drawing paper


Side View of a Show

Graphite on drawing paper


Aerial View of a Shoe

Graphite on drawing paper


For all of these pieces of artwork, the assignment was to create four different, realistic, drawings. Three drawings were supposed to be three different angles of shoes, and the fourth drawing was a drawing of a hand with a rubber band on it. on the drawing, with the hand, I was not supposed to shade, but I got carried away with my work and started shading.

To make these four pieces of artwork, I used 9"x12" paper, my 2H pencil, 2B pencil, a rubber band, my hand, as well as one of my Nike Air Max 90 shoes. I used my 2H pencil to sketch out what I wanted the shoe and my hand to look like on paper, and once I was happy with it, I went in with my 2B pencil to add in darker lines.

I first started sketching out my hand with a rubber band on it onto a piece of paper. For this assignment, I wasn't able to use my creative imagination because I had to draw exactly what I was looking at. As I sketched out my hand I would often erase and redraw the lines of my hand until I was happy with them. Once I was, I would go in with a 2B pencil to add in the darker lines. With the three different drawings of my shoe, I had to put the shoe at a different angle for each drawing. Once I had the shoe at the angle I wanted, I began sketching out the shoe on my paper to look as realistic as it did in real life. As I drew all three drawings I would often erase and redraw the lines until I was happy with them. Once I was happy with the lines, I went in with a 2B pencil to make the lines darker.