Soft Slab Construction

For this assignment I was instructed to create a series of mugs out of soft slabs of clay. With these mugs I knew that I wanted them to be similar in size and work as good coffee mugs, with the intent of using them in my family's home once they were done.

To create these mugs I used a hand powered machine to roll out clay into soft slabs that I then molded around cylender objects to create a mug shape. Once It was given a bottom and everything was smoothed out I had to create the handle. To do that I used a large rolled up peice of soft clay and dipped it in water to then use a pulling techique to get the handle shap and width I wanted. I then attached the handles and the mugs were put into the kiln, glazed, and then fired.

With this project I really like the finished color of the glazes I used on my mugs and the speckle pattern that was on the green mug. I enjoyed creating these mugs for this assignment the most this year because it was fun to create something that I knew I could always use and keep with me for a long time. I'm really proud of how my mugs turned out and I think that it is a good representation of my understanding for this concept.

DISCLAIMER: *Still need to finish firing the mugs*