

Holy Symbols:

  • An eye with a question mark for a pupil


  • Waarheid is a god created by merging the god of Knowledge and the god of Enigmas together, both of these aspects are present in the personality of Waarheid, but they cannot be described as a different aspect entirely as of yet. In a few more centuries maybe these two will have garnered enough power to form into two aspects.


  • Waarheid is the god of knowledge and secrets, of questioning and answering. Followers of this faith aspire to learning all the knowledge of the world and beyond. He is a neutral god who doesn't interfere much in the lives of his followers, demanding little but they live full and interesting lives and never cease to be curious about the world they live in. Followers of Waarheid can be found working as teachers, librarians and scholars. They are often keen explorers of one form or another, where one will be constantly moving, another will delve into ancient texts to discover knowledge that has been lost. They can also be found in the ranks of those who make a living from information, their natural curiosity and the spells granted to them by their god making them excellent spies. A follower of Waarheid will usually be adventuring for the new experiences and unique people and situations adventurers experience.

Holy Days:

  • The followers of Waarheid have no need of holy days, indeed most would forget them even if they were there, distracted as they tend to be by some new piece of ancient knowledge or secret. In fact it is widely joked that the clerics of Waarheid would regularly forget to perform rituals of worship in favour of reading in the temples library. (whether this joke is true or not has yet to be determined, we can’t get a cleric of Waarheid to answer their messages from us).
  • 8th May: Convention Day, this day is the day that Waarheid followers gather to share knowledge learned and (for some) experience fresh air.


  • Demons.