

Holy Symbols:

  • Omega


  • Ankhere
    • She of merciful death, those that worship Ankhere believe that one should not keep the living in pain in this mortal coil.
  • Kali
    • She of the glorious death, worshippers of Kali believe that everyone will die, but just because they will doesn’t mean that it has to be a bad death. Let your death ring throughout the ages.


  • Death followers welcome and accept the act of death, whether it be their own or that of another. They believe that death is a natural and indeed a necessary part of life. They also dislike those who try to cheat it.

Holy Days:

  • Day of Glory April 9th – A holiday for the Kali worshippers, they use this day to drink in the name of their comrades who have fallen in battle, they tell tall tales of their greatest battles and have a merry time.
  • Day of Mercy May 27th – This day is dedicated to Ankhere, Goddess of mercy where the worshippers gather and celebrate together.
  • Day of the Dead Oct 30th – This is the day that all death worshippers wait for in their calendar, this is the day that they celebrate death herself. They prepare for the year to come and the day tomorrow (at least in Aberddu due it being Night of Masks Oct 31st)


  • Undead
  • Demons
  • Fey
  • Any creature living or otherwise that will not die of old age for whatever reason.