
Adventure - An Adventure, sometimes referred to as a Linear, is a Session that takes place outside, usually following a small group of Player Characters as they attempt to complete a task or job, normally whilst being plagued by Monsters.

Background - A Character has been alive for years before they start play, Background or Character Background will refer to anything that occurred in the time before they entered play. It is up to a Player what happened to their character before arriving in play but anything that could affect the world (e.g noble titles, owning large portions of land or vendettas and loyalties)  should be discussed with the refs before it is brought up in play. 

Brief - A Brief is a short description of what a Player can expect during a session, it covers important topics and news. 

Call - A method of communicating that something has happened that cannot necessarily be phys-repped. 

Character Gen(eration) - The process of creating a character by choosing their Name, Race, Class, Religion, Country of Origin and then spending XP to give them Skills. 

Directed Player Character / DPC - This is a Player Character who has become incredibly powerful and forfeits some of their control to the ref team. Sometimes the refs may deem it necessary to 'DPC' a Player Character in order to maintain good levels of game balance for all participants. The ref team will dictate new rules to the Player regarding their character's choices. This is usually followed by the character becoming an NPC. This will always come with plenty of warning and discussion. 

Encounter - An Adventure is broken up into Encounters, which are each of the scenes a Player Party will come across as they Adventure, Encounters may include fights, diplomacy, sneaking, puzzles, traps or other description as dictated by the ref. 

Hits Per Location/HPL - This is the number of blows a character can take to each of their Locations before the location becomes useless. These are tracked separately from each other and a Damage Call will tell you how many points of damage you are taking to the struck location, it is a Player’s job to track this for themselves. 

IC - In Character, things that happen and Players that exist within the game world are said to be In Character or IC.

Kit - The IC clothes, weapons and other items your Character, NPC or Monster is wearing or using. 

Kit Bag - The communal bags that contain Monster Kit. These are communally looked after and taken home at the end of Sessions by Players to be brought back for the next Session.

Lammie - A laminated piece of paper or card that may detail the effects of a magic item or have your character stats on them. Usually only given out during Summer Events. 

LARP - Live Action Role-Play - this is what the game is, it consists of people acting together as part of one coherent storyline, plot and world. They do this by portraying Characters within that world and following the rules outlined here and by the referees in play. 

Loc(ation) - A part of the body. A Character has five locations on their body that are capable of taking damage separately, these are head and torso, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg. While you should never hit someone’s head with a weapon, it is a viable target for spell damage. 

Marshal - A select group of Players will be Marshals of the game, their duties include checking the safety of participants especially during combat and running plots alongside the refs. 

Mastery - A Player written improvement or continuation of their skills or spell list, this can be used by players to give themselves effects and specialisations they might not otherwise have. These always need to be passed by the ref team to ensure game balance. 

Monster - Generally used to refer to any hostile force the Players may encounter during Sessions, but this can also be used as an alternative to NPC. Can also be used to describe Players who are not portraying their Player Characters on an adventure. 

Metagaming - Transferring OC knowledge into IC gameplay. e.g. If you are playing an NPC on an Adventure that is given plot sensitive information to tell the PCs you must then be aware that this is not something your Character would know. 

Non Player Character / NPC - This is a person within the game world that is controlled by the ref team, though they may be portrayed by someone else. Anyone who is not a Player Character is an NPC

OC or OOC - Out of Character, things that occur outside the game world, Players who are not currently portraying their characters or another role are said to be OC.

Physical Representation / Phys-Rep  - Magical items, armour, potions, poisons, tools and weaponry require a physical representation in order to have an effect. The character must carry or wear the item ‘phys- rep’ in game in order to possess the item and be able to use the item IC. If you are not wearing or carrying the item then neither is your character. Phys-reps do not have to be expensive or complicated and it is a good idea if they are not valuable. 

Player - Someone who plays in the game system.

Player Character / PC - This is the character a Player creates during Character Gen using their XP. 

Player Party - The collection of Player Characters going on an Adventure.

Ref or Referee - Someone who runs the game and makes sure Players are following the rules and the spirit of the game as well as coming up with the plots and Monsters for the Players to fight.

Session - A game session, this can be an adventure or a guild night, any abilities or skills that are 'per session' will reset at the beginning of each guild night or at the start of an adventure. 

Stats - Mechanical information about Monsters or Player Characters, usually containing their Hit Points, Magic (if they have it), Weapon Damage and any other skills that they may have. 

XP - Experience Points, gained by attending Sessions, this is the primary way to buy new skills and improve your character.