Change Notes
Bless interaction with taint altered (to reduce any taint gained by 1 point)
Soul Ward changed (no longer tags individual, reduces taint gained by 2 points)
Resist Taint removed from Warden
Demonic Ward added to Warden
Purify description altered, clarifications added
Consume Essence roleplay requirement added
Fuel from Blasphemy updated to give specifics of taint gain
Usurp Connection now also affects tainted individuals
Added additional mechanic to Taint related to Demon Deals.
Soulburn rules updated again.
Soulburn rules updated
Clarification added to Null Potions
The Summon Elemental, Level 5 Evoker has been replaced by Watery Sphere.
The Animate Tree, Level 5 Shaman Spell has been replaced by Commune with Nature.
The Nature's Guardian, Level 7 Shaman Spell has been replaced by Healing Rain.
Awaken the Sleeping Mind, on the Arioch Spell List is now Level 4.
Arcane Fortress, on the Arioch Spell List is now Level 5.
Various spells clarified and given their correct durations and ranges.
Necromancy spells fine tuned.
Shock spell change
Necromancy Overhauled
History of Urdd added in History page
Cleric/Necromancy changes added to Magic page and individual Class pages
Changes to Faith for demons/undead added to Magic page (Faith tags)
Tartar Brief updated
Troll Brief updated
Map updated
Taint Page added
Taint mechanic updated
Purify description updated in line with new taint rules
Dagger Use now allows you to dual wield daggers at base
Updated 1-second rule for dual wielding
Clarified 180 degree striking arc for knockback
Added Near range to Tinkering skill
Added description of Chanting to Bard Spells page
Minor clarifications made on Skill pages for Calls and Armour Use
Added list of character generation basic skills to Skill Costs page
Added extra description of Cursed brief
Lay Off Mechanic added to Safety Calls
Glossary added
Cursed Downside changed
Strength of the Dying altered to only being able to take each ability twice per casting
Subdue call removed
City Map added to The City page
Map Updated
New Country: Pandora
New Race: Panisc
Sebythe racial ability changed from soul drain to steal essence
Removed Skills: Appraising, Forgery, Lock Lore, Numeracy and Trap Lore
New Skills: Tinkering and Trade
Track Lore updated - Total overhaul
Thrown Weapons updated - Changed to one rank, all thrown weapons now do Double Through regardless of size.
Literacy updated - Players receive Common and One Other Language at character gen
Repair Armour updated - Reduced time needed to repair armour
Scroll Lore updated - Removed caveat against using caster only spells in scrolls
Wood Lore rank 3 visions and Waarheid 'Oracle' spell visions now have the same roleplay requirement and length of time required to perform.
Impact call added
Bow/Crossbow use updated - Amalgamated to one skill. Both now do the same damage. Damage updated.
Major Wounds added
Skill Costs updated
Track Lore removed from Bard, Added to Warden.
Guild Ambassador item updated to Bardic Spells Only.
Greenland added to Countries list
Aberddu City Factions page removed
Aberddu City Factions list updated
Gods list added to Gods page
Language list updated
Warden added to Classes page
C'tuma added to Countries page
Detect Mage distance changed to Far
Sense Unnatural name changed to Detect Unnatural
Spell Changes
Shaman Call the Sun updated
Evoker - Petrify updated
Moulder/Sea God - Scry updated
Life - Holy Aura updated
Cleric - Level 7 Call Avatar removed replaced with Channel Avatar
Changes to Death see spells
Necromancer - Level 3 Grave Secrets removed, replaced with Ghost
Changed starting XP from 65 XP to 80 XP
Generating Characters
Starting XP has changed from 50 XP to 65 XP
Wood Lore
Changed "Healing Balm" to "Herbal Healing Balm", to clarify rule query with Alians.
Add new race Cursed
Bind Wounds - Added "If person being bandaged receives damage during the bandaging process, you must restart the process as they have sustained more damage."
Dispel, clarified Save.
Summon Elemental "Natural" removed
Changes to Cramp, Nefarious Shadow, Voidal Eclipse.
Summon Elemental endurance changed from 4 to 5.
Changed Detect Undead to Detect Void.
Changes to Expose Grave, Feed from the Weakness, Consume Flesh and Necrotic Explosion,
Removed Restore Unliving, Raise Undead, Drain Unliving, Blasphemous Sinew, Eternal Hunger, Strength of the Tomb, Flesh to Fuel and Desecration
Added Rupture Corpse, Summon Lesser Undead, Cramp, Nefarious Shadow, Summon Dark Servant, Necrotic Feast, Desecrate Corpse and Voidal Eclipse.
Weaken Soul now sets Death Count to 30 seconds rather than 0 seconds.
Individual class pages now have a summary of purchasable skills and thier costs.
Inferno also now ignites the target.
Conflaguration's damage lowered from tripple to double, but now ignites the target.
Duration of Ladies Touch clarified to 1 minute.
Taunt and You Got This are now classed as mind effects.
Sheen now clarified as granting ranks of Magical Armour
Rigor Mortis on the Death list has had it's save removed, as per the spell on Neromancer
Grammital fix on Oath to no longer make targets uphold swords.
Re-worded calls to make them clearer
Removed the burning effect from flaming and made it a separate call Ignite
Split calls into Damage, Modifier and Special Calls
Rend now requires the body to be healed to full and then a complete healing to be cast.
Added Weaken Soul.
Split No Effect into No Effect and Resist to telegraph resistances better.
Removed death count from non-heroic monsters/characters
Warden spell Bless replaced with Soul Ward
Warden spell Spirit Eyes replaced with Expose the Soul
Re-qualified the guilds, splitting the Farmers, Butchers, Fishmongers and Tanners into 3 guilds, added Sailors and Herbalists as sections covered by guilds.
Bind Wound, clarified wording on role-play requirement
Orcs, soul burn is now once a day
Cloud Elf, clarified as once per day
Fire Elves, made their ability clearer
Troll physsrep is now only grey
Goblin physrep now includes pointed ears
Damage calls and Special calls made clearer
Spell List
Rigor Mortis, Necromancer level 3, save removed.
Guild Page - In The City Tab.
List of Guild Roles and Items added.
Wood lore 3, now cannot fight after a vision
Spell List
Bard can now summon any type of weapon they are proficient with.
Purify, removed save.
Warden added
Spell List
Feed from Weakness can now also heal the caster's minion
Drain Living replaced with Eternal Hunger
Warden Spell List added
Volcano God
Clarified on the quality and source of Pull From The Furnance, items created should expect to wear down to becoming useless within 3-4weeks. Items are summoned from the vaults of the Temples instead of created out of thin air.
Game Mechanics
Stabilise now results in permanent injuries if done for longer than 5 minutes. Reducing the targets endurance rank by 1.
Added Perma-Strength to abilities
Added Racial Markings to Tartar's
Added a section on Racial Requirements, clarifying that in the case of cultural markings you cannot gain racial advantages if you neglect to use that races marking.
Spell List
Generic Cleric
Detect Undead replace with Detect Unholy
Ritual replaced with Bless
Turn Undead replaced with Detect Ailment
Wound Heal renamed to Heal
Blessed Weapon renamed to Enchant Blade
Summon Lesser Servitor replaced with Prayer
Undead Protection replaced with Protection from Unholy
Blessed Armour now targets Faith
Death's Door replaced with Turn Unholy
Minor Healing is now ranged and renamed to Holy Spark
Scouring now has the holy modifier
Hell Fire now does holy damaged and renamed to Smite
Holy Weapon now does holy
Major Healing renamed to Healing Touch
Turn Greater Undead replace with Turn Greater Unholy
Summon Greater Servitor replaced with Mass Blessed Armour
Greater Ritual replaced with Ritual
Hands of Glory no longer makes the cleric immune to mind magic or exhausts the caster
Body of Light replaced with Armour of the Divine
Know Truth replaced with Oath
Merkabah Transport replaced with Divine Intervention
Call Avatar's Avatar no longer has spell points but 3 uses of Complete Healing
Fire and Brimstone replaced with Divine Wrath
Regeneration also restores all locs to full
Resurrection no longer costs the caster money, allowing players to cast it for free.
Becalm replaced with Resist Fear
Graceful Repose replaced with Becalm (different to spell replaced above)
Immaculate replaced with Reflect
Imperfection replaced with Mind Over Matter
Tranquil Lands replaced with Tranquility
Perfect Moment replaced with Attain Balance
Fear now has a save
Ladies Touch no longer has a save
Prey replaced with Detect Prey
Hunters Facade replaced with Chameleon
Lesser Glamour replaced with Predator's Hide
Greater Glamour replaced with AllFather's Gaze
Switch replaced with Reveal Nature
Protection of the Father now makes you immune to enchanted
Changeling now changes you temporarily into the Fae Nature
Sea God
Soothe now removes a mind effect
Full Sail replaced with Wind Wall
Clouded Mind now last 1 minute and breaks when the target takes damage
Mind Map replaced with All Aboard
Navigate replaced with Broadside
Control Unliving replaced with Scry
Arms of the Kraken can now be resurrected from
Laughter is now a single target for 10 seconds
Trigger Mechanism replaced with What Goes Around
Pull Face replaced with deception
Deception replaced with Pratfall
Thin Air replaced with Avenge Us
Vanishment replaced with I Don't Think So
Follow The Leader now is a group buff for weaker individuals
Volcano God
Protection from Fire replaced with Restore
Crafter Eyes now makes an item unbreakable
Hands of Flame replaced with Pull From The Furnance
Purify Body replaced with Blacksmith
Crafters Blessing now grants bonus' to items, duration reduced to 15minutes
Purify Mind replaced with Reforge the Armory
Incinerate renamed to Disintegrate
Cripple now just paralyses
Phantom Fear is now a 10 second fear at range without a save
Marked Target replaced with Deception
Hidden Threat changed to be a variant on Meld
Eye for an Eye replaced with Revenge
Dark Silhouette is now a 100ft teleport with a loc-zero attached
Encrypt replaced with Mind Vault
Clarion Call can be used retroactively
Insight is now Willing
Befuddlement now has a duration of 2 minutes, and prevents use of skills on single target
Anamnesis replace with Siphon
Spell List added
Take Root no longer ends when the caster dies
Woodland Step now allows a character to enter a tree and leave another within line of sight
Game Mechanics
Added description of IC and OC and identifiers for OC and Invisible.
Changed the head and chest to one location, called core. Creating 5 locations.
One-second rule has been added.
Thrown weapon safety added.
Death Count changed from 10 minutes to 5 minutes.
Death Count no longer knocks you unconscious, instead you can only talk and crawl.
Subdue is no longer a damage call, but now renders a target immediately unconscious, this ability must now be purchased. Any attacks with weapons you can't use now do no damage instead.
Flaming no longer causes damage over time, but instead is a modifier for vulnerabilities and immunities.
Added Dispelling spells.
Added Holy
Warriors now gain +1 to their endurance maximum if it's the primary class
Thief and Scout replaced with the Rogue class.
Purebloods renamed to Human
Tartar removed increase spell list cost, replaced with cannot learn Necromancer, Coercer, Moulder and Cleric.
Added Phys rep requirement to Tartar
Renamed Tartar Frenzy to Frenzy
Sebythe soul drain can now be interrupted but grants a complete healing.
Alian clarified hit shifting, cannot shift negative hits.
Removed Nipponese as a separate race. They are a culture with no mechanical difference to Human.
Elves cannot wield Iron Weapons.
Cloud Elves, changed from 10 minutes under cloud cover for 7 spell points, to 1 minute for 5 with no cloud requirement.
Earth Elves, changed form 30ft to 10 seconds, removed the need for a time freeze.
Dark Elves, Shadow meld changed to make the elf invisible for 15 minutes, no longer requires a shadow.
Troll, fire damage also turns off the trolls ability to regenerate until healed. Additionally Trolls cannot wield Flaming Weapons.
Half-trolls removed as a separate race, they now work the same as any other half race, the player must pick a dominant half.
Orcs, removed lesser orcs.
Goblin, changed goblin luck from redraw a save to auto-pass a save.
Dwarves, changed immune to rank 1 poisons to immune to ingested poisons.
Kesoth has been changed from the God of Dishonour and Pain to the God of Warfare, Blood and Murder. Caros changed from Pain to War.
Added non-skill abilities
Removed Dagger Use, all character can call single with a dagger.
Changed Single-Handed to allow use of all single handed weapons, removed an off-hand and changed rank 3 to use a shield, and rank 4 to use paired weapons.
Changed Double-Handed to scale single, double, double through, triple through. No long includes staffs and spears.
Changed Polearm to long-weapon and added staffs and spears.
Removed Weapons Expertise
Removed Paired Weapons
Removed Shield Use
Changed Repair Armour to a single rank skill
Changed Appraising to a single rank skill
Changed forgery to being able to forge different items at different ranks instead of % chance of success.
Changed Scroll lore to no longer cost silver, but only make 4 a week, and they expire after a week.
Changed Bind Wounds to a 4 rank skill, instead of a rank per point healed.
Removed Hypnosis, as this role is fulfilled by coercer.
Removed Pickpocket
Changed Herb Lore to be per session rather than persistent and remove partial healing potions.
Changed Lock Lore to remove the ability to make locks.
Changed Poison Lore to a per session and slot based system. Removed the free saves
Changed Trap Lore to one rank.
Changed Wood Lore to move skills and ranks around.
Removed Wealth
Changed Backstab to be once per combat in the back, removed the unaware necessity to prevent arguments
Removed free saves for learning magic.
Spell Lists:
Added standard list of Ranges and Targets
Changed calming voice to Fool's gold
Removed Summon Weapon from level 1, moved to level 2 and changed duration, added enchanted and is no longer considered an illusion.
Vision changed to be based on size.
Imagined Flaws
Disguise changed to Willing Individual
Gentle Persuasion change to new spell Persuasion
Sleep removed and Inspiration brought down to replace it.
Voice of Healing now heals 3 hits but targets group (upto 4 people).
Legion now allows you to disguise a group
Summon 'combined' weapon removed for Summon 'specific' Weapon at level 4
Howl added
Voice of Command removed for Rabble Rouse, which has been moved from level 6
Clarion Call added
Ghosts renamed to illusion and limited by size.
Dancing Phantom renamed to Mirage and limited by size.
Heart of Fury now has a slight delay for activation.
Mass Sleep replaced with You Got This
Scream of the Banshee replaced with Revealing Beacon
Solid illusion can no longer do damage and is restricted by size, and 30 global.
Sword of harmony replaced with Rousing Speech
Voice of Reason replaced with Understudy
Harp of Despair replaced with Song of Heroes
Song of Heroes added to level 7 bard
Instruct replaced with Mimicry
Destroy morale now takes off 2 endurance ranks but no longer paralyses
Fumble added at level 2
Deception added at level 3
Confusion no longer affects magic but prevents use of skills
Mind link removed
Overlook now works even when observed but can't be cast on others
Veiled sight is now retroactive
Emotion removed
ESP renamed to Telepathy, and transcends language barriers
Truth added an additional question and increased to level 4
Focus moved to level 3
Shadow Warrior replaced with Puppet
Temptation replaced with Foreign Body
Removed Justice, replaced with Mind Over Matter
Removed Nemesis, replaced with Waking Dream
Mass Fumble added
Phobia added
Summon Item replaced with Doppelganger
Insanity replaced with Command
Mind Union replaced with Imprison
Puppet Master changed to make the target defend and treat the caster as their closest friend. Renamed to Devotion.
Create Flame changed to Create Element and elementally variable.
Heat Weapon now causes the enemy to drop their weapon
Light blind duration reduced to 5 seconds
Shock now does Double enchanted on next weapon blow.
Magic missile no longer has a save
Wind wall no longer has a duration but now does a mass knockback.
Engulf replaced with Lighting Rod
Fog replaced with Freeze Limb
Heat Armour replaced with Stoneskin
War Arrow does double knockback.
Conduct replaced with Flame Blade
Charge Atmosphere now does double to all locs
Thunderbolt does enchanted
Deluge removed
Freeze Armour replaced with Petrify
Disintegrate can now be resurrected from.
Fireball now does triple on a failed save.
Shatter Limb added to level 6
Resonance moved to Protector, replaced with Earthen Hide
Meteor added.
Conceal replaced with Detect
Light blind reduced to 5 secs
Restore now takes 5 seconds to restore an item
Bounce has been moved to protector
Guise replaced with Magic Missile
Cloak of Calm replaced with Arcane Armour
Altar Self replaced with Weave Body
Transmute added to level 3
Change now turns you into a 4 global creature rather than maintaining your stat line, has a reduced duration when used offensively
Flame Blade is now caster only.
Reflect is now until midnight
Cloak of shadows now lasts 1 minute
Transfer now gives upto half their spell points and can no longer be placed in items.
Dispel now removes all spells on a target, moved to level 7 to replace Arena
Scry added
Magic Graft changed from heal to restore, works on those immune to magical healing.
Teleport, removed the need for a time freeze, player will now just walk OC to their location.
Enchant Item replaced with Blades of the Arcane
Morph cannot gain the benefits of changing into non-standard races, such as Werewolves and Vampires, just the appearance.
Portal, target changed to group.
Removed Freezing Touch, replaced with Restore Unliving
Raise Undead is now until midnight but can only have one at a time.
Darkness now does Mass Blind within 10ft of the caster, removed duration and area effect due to clunky interactions.
Death Mask now turns the caster temporarily into an undead.
Deathly Silence replaced with Drain Unliving
Rigor Mortis, changed range to Far and reduced duration to 5 seconds.
Removed Shatter limb to evoker level 6, replaced with Feed from the Weakness
Replace Summon Skeletal Warrior with Blasphemous Sinew
Replaced Void Touch with Grave Secrets
Removed Summon Ghoul, replaced with Consume Flesh
Terror now does mass fear, removed line of sight range and 15 minute duration
Void Blade is no longer weaker against magical armour
Banshee Howl replaced with Necrotic Explosion
Raise Juju Zombie replaced with Strength of the Tomb
Tomb Rot now damaged every 10 seconds but stops when cured by cure disease effects or the target enters their Death Count
Cheat fate replaced with Dominion
Summon Wraith removed
Ethereal now pushes the target half into the void, making them invisiable but preventing them from being able to interact with the material world.
Corruption now just kills people, rather than turning them evil
Undeath replaced with Flesh to Fuel
Drain Replace with Fell Blade
Vengeance replaced with Desecration
Clarified Disarm
Replaced Resist with Close Wound
Sheen increased to Level 2, replace slot with Reinforce Shield.
Restraint replaced with Cease
Seal replaced with Bounce
Flaw replaced with Protection from Creature
Intuition replaced with Equilibrium
Locate Poison replaced with Complete Defense
Mantle removed being worse on self.
Forcefield replaced with Mass Sheen
Magcial shield replace with Good Fortune
Poison Ward replaced with Ultimate Sacrifice
Aura of Protection changed to grant the casters saves to a group, old effect given to Complete Defense
Cloak replaced with Fatal Flaw
Good Fortune's slot replaced with Mass Enchant Weapon
Magic Ward replaced with Order
Neutralise Poison replaced with Contingency
Plate Self replaced with Mass Mantle
Saving Grace now gives immune to normals.
Silver Knight added.
Fatal Flaw replaced with Guardian
Purge replaced with Protection from Magic
Redemption removed
Reinforcement replaced with Rise from the Ashes
Natural ground is now classed as on or connected to the material plane
Herb Knowledge replaced with Rite
Snare has it's save removed but needs natural ground
Bark skin now needs natural ground
Bush blade needs unworked wood
Call Spirit replaced with Speak with Animals
Entangle now needs natural ground
Energy Bolt replaced with Woodland Step
Spirit eyes now take 30 seconds to study a soul
Tough Skin needs natural ground
Lay Healing replaced with Bears Strength
Sacred Grove replaced with Animal Swarm
Tanglethorn can be cut out off and has had it's duration removed. Does Mass Entangle.
Animate tree only works on natural trees
Move requires natural ground
Wall of Thorns replaced with Spirit of the Wyld
Commune replaces with Spirit Form
Fast Heal replaced with Complete Healing
Nature's Guardian reduced to 15minutes/1 combat
One replaced with Hail of Thorns
Reincarnation now takes 5 minutes to cast, uses up a soul combat and changes the individuals race.
Take Root, needs natural ground, and if the tree dies the the individual dies, tree has the same death count as individual.
Diagnose changed to cure disease
Lady's Bounty removed
Weapon of Light replaced by Invigorate
Lady's touch moved to level 2, reduced to 5 seconds.
Sanctuary added
Holy aura, single target, on faith.
Banish replaced with Life's Gift
Holy Ground replaced with Purify.
Agony replaced with Fear
Ecstasy replaced with Shatter Shield
Ignore Wounds increase to level 4, now allows use of core until severed.
Kesoth blade reduced to level 3, changed to a dagger buff to allow poison use.
Wall of blades replaced with Heart of Fury
Soul Walk replace with Thirsting Blade
Banishment removed
Feed from War added.
Bloodline replaced with Pathology
Rest in Peace reduce to level 2, now destroys lesser undead
Rigor mortis added
Pathology replaced with Bloodline, now does fear on weapon blow.
Basilisk range is now far
Resist Pain, changed to Resist Fear
Warrior's Shield replaced with Hold the Line
Holy Armour replaced with Taunt
Relentless renamed to Ignore Wound, new spell now called Relentless
Heart of the Lion replaced with Heimdalla's Oath
Champion, changed wording to include Holy modifier
Martyrdom replaced with Relentless
Changed Ratkin Speed to 1 use per day to bring in line with other racials.
Removed Height restrictions on Dwarves and trolls
Added Dwarven runes as a requirement for Dwarves.
Magic lore has to changed, it can provide the presence and class of magic instantly, but only after 30 seconds of uninterrupted study can you find out about the nature of the spell.item and how to use it.
Removed Blacksmithing
Merian moved to life, Ankhere is now alive, Hecate moved to Kesoth
Minor Changes:
Wood Lore:
Healing Balm lasts 1 month after creation after which it becomes useless, foul tasting paste.
Clarification: At level one a Character can start a fire, this is from scratch with no starting equipment (e.g. no match or tinder), the Character can reliably start a fire with just the resources that can be found in the wild.
Save calls:
Save calls are part of the spell call for the purposes of interrupt
A save call can be any of the 26 available saves whatever their level. Note: the calls still have to be random, as a general rule a save deck or running through a word/phrase are the best ways of assuring that you do not call saves repeatedly. e.g. ‘MANGO’ or ‘MOULDER’ or ‘NECROMANCER BAD GUY’ are good examples.
Weapon Uses:
Two-Handed weapons can do Knockback but the damage cal has to contain actual damage (no subdue knockback).
Playable Ratkin no longer worship the Great Horned Rat (He is dead afterall).
Ratkin Speed has 2 uses
Special Abilities:
Speed: All forms of speed have a 10 second cooldown before that character/monster can use speed again.
Clerics must buy their god specific, they do not have to buy it first, but they must at some point choose to give up a spell from the general cleric list to replace it with their god specific.
Bound Items are not bound to the soul of the owner, rather the mind, this means that items bound to an undead are still bound to them. Unfortunately the item does not follow the user through reincarnation. This is due to the stress the soul and the mind is put through during the process (it’s effectively washed and cleaned by the Wyld before being shoved into another body), this is why if a soul has taint on it when put through reincarnation a soul combat style event takes place.
A Tartar PC can play as a Bard without the extra cost penalty.
Hit cap increased to 8.
Start with literacy AND numeracy
Weapons Mastery:
To avoid confusion the name of Weapons Mastery has been changed to Weapons Expertise.
The ability Invulnerability has been replaced with Regen of 1 point every 60 seconds per location (only silver cannot be healed by this ability).
Vampires can Hit shift
Vampires cannot use their blood as an all heal
Vampiric Blood Rage: A newly raised Vampire rises with insatiable hunger and goes on a mindless rage. To end this they must drain 10 Endurance ranks worth of blood They rise with a Full Heal when the rage starts.
When a vampire drains a point of damage to that location every 5 seconds, after which the vampire gains a point of healing (allocated by them). On a failed save the victim is infected with a disease. If you are drained of all blood you are dead (no death count)
Seduction has been replaced with Hynpnotic Gaze (instant snake eyes with a save)
Holy symbols blood cost does not stack.
Taint and Corruption:
Taint takes over your soul and destroys it. It can only be fixed by a High priest/ess of Amroth (if it's Demon taint) or Death (if it's Undead taint).
Corruption taints the body making the target EVIL, if they are already evil then they become more evil. It can usually be fixed by a Greater Ritual unless it has been allowed to fester for too long (how long this is is ref discretion).
Death clerics:
Can now choose to take either Turn/Detect:
Kesoth and Amrothian clerics:
Can now choose to take either Turn/Detect:
Krynok clerics:
Can now choose to take either Turn/Detect:
Shamans of lvl 4 or below count as Lessers (including summons).
Shamans of lvl 5 or above count as Greaters (including summons)
If you already have access to a skill on your primary class you buy at primary
All Banes save for Wolfsbane are a now a potion that one adds to other herbal bits that make the herbal thing affect whatever that bane was, be it beneficial or harmful.
Spell Changes:
Death’s Door:
This spell can be used upon Sebythe
Chaos Bolt:
The effects of this spell change every day on the midnight rush (Unless Chaos says it changes sooner or later, cause you know, chaos.
The Chaos Bolt Spell table is on page 74 (not a change but this makes it slightly easier to find).
This spell has no save.
The Ultimate Gamble:
No longer exists, has been replaced with the spell ‘Heads I win…’
The Caster must flip a coin, magically conjured by chaos. This must be phys repped. Head, the target will be removed from the plane entirely, and cannot be resurrected - only reincarnated. Tails, and the caster disappears from the material plane for 15 minutes, and then reappears fully healed as though Complete Healing was cast, occasionally with a lollipop.
30 ft
Caster and Individual
Sober has been replaced with the spell ‘Scan’
Caster can detect if a target is immune to mind effects.
10 ft
Seduction has been replaced with the spell ‘Repel’
Caster musters psychic energies in order to force an opponent away. Target takes a knockback.
10 ft
Forget has been replaced with the Spell ‘Focus’
Caster removes all unnatural mental influences affecting the touched target.
Ghost Walk has been replaced with the Spell ‘Blind Spot’
An improvement on the overlook spell. the caster gains the ability to move undetected through crowds. The Caster is invisible to the surrounding people, as long as they do not speak, cast or interact with others. They can be bumped into or brushed against without disrupting the spell.
15 Minutes
Infatuation has been replaced with the Spell ‘Lucidity’
Caster can cause a target to be immune to all mind altering and emotional effects for 1 hour.
1 Hour
Telekinesis has been replaced with the Spell ‘Stupefy’
Caster causes the target to be distractedly confused regardless of whether or not the save for the spell is saved. Upon failure of the save the individual is unable to access, or otherwise use their magic.
30 ft
15 mins
Krynok Cleric List:
The Krynok spell list has changed and is available for players:
Prey: Caster can mark out a target as prey to be hunted. This mark is only visible to Krynok clerics and Hunter fey. If the target fails the save the mark lasts until they reach the end of their death count. If the target passes the save it lasts a lunar month (28 days).
Hunters Facade: Target becomes magically concealed, the concealment lasts up to 5 minutes, as long as the target remain motionless and silent.
5 minutes
Caster or Individual
Lesser Glamour: Caster can alter their race and clothing for 15 minutes. Both these changes must be phys-repped.
15 Minutes
Greater Glamour: Caster becomes incredibly charismatic, causing all those who can see them to be instantly drawn to them. Targets who pass the save will feel no further magical effect. Those who fail the save will feel further compelled to befriend the caster: they will look upon the caster favourably and listen to them, however they are not compelled to follow instructions. The friendship will be instantly broken if the caster commits an unfriendly or aggressive attack aimed at the targets or otherwise causes them direct physical harm.
Line of sight
Up to 1 hour
Caster and Individuals
Switch: Caster can switch the remaining hit points they possess on an individual location with the hits of the corresponding location on a single target in their line of sight who is within range. Neither the caster nor the target may have their hit points restored beyond their maximum endurance rank for the location. However, there is no limit to the amount of damage that can be transferred. Note: Should this spell be cast on an undead, demonic or otherwise unnatural creature, the caster should seek a ref call.
30 foot
Individual in line of sight
Protection of the Father: Caster becomes immune to all non-magical damage.
15 Minutes
Changeling: Caster can designate 2 targets, one of which may be themselves, and perform a switch, in which one person or one non-magical item is swapped for another of similar mass (i.e. you can swap a fat man for a small dwarf, but not a button for ship). This spell is used in two stages. During the initial stage, the spell is cast and the spell points expended. The caster tags both objects or individuals at the same time. The second stage of the spell can happen at any time in the following 28 days. By saying the words 'activate changeling' and naming both objects, the objects are instantaneously swapped. The caster should call a time freeze for the swap to take place. This swap will occur regardless of the location of both individuals or items at the time of activation; distance or planar divide is no object. Note: An object cannot be switched for a person.
28 days
Caster, Individuals or items
Irresistible Pain:
The spell Irresistible Pain has been name changed to ‘Agony’ (the effect is still the same but now the target can use spells or special skills to resist it, this is different to the call Irresistible Pain which is a call called only by the refs and is a product of very powerful beings (Pit Lords, Gods, Eldar Fey, other eldritch creatures). Note: The lvl 1 Amarothian spell has been changed to account for this as well, it affects the Kesoth spell and other pain sources specifically not the ref call Irresistible Pain.
Heat Armour:
The effects of Heat Armour work on any type of armour (leather and fur as well as metal), but each point of damage is every 10 seconds not every 5. It still only affects armour that is worn and used as armour, a person wearing fur for the part but not gaining any ranks of armour from it cannot be affected by this spell.
Tomb Rot:
The damage caused by Tomb Rot is Effect Damage due to it being a horrible magical disease.
Plate Self:
This spell also has the ability to no effect the next harmful spell cast at the target.
Saving Grace:
The effects of this spell do not extend to armour even natural armour. Damage landing on the armour is taken as normal.
With this spell the Shaman may call upon the powers of Nature to aid in the healing of a wound. This restores 1 point of healing to the touched location. (the ‘once per hour per location’ restriction has been removed).
Nature's Guardian:
The summoned Guardian has lvl 6 shamanic magic and 20 spell points.
Now costs permanent spell points to cast.
Summon Earth Elemental:
Changed: This spell summons forth magical energy from the elemental plains and animates it into a humanoid form that will serve the caster for fifteen minutes. The elemental has the following skills and abilities:
Endurance rank IV
Immunity to normal damage
Double Enchanted damage
The summoned elemental can be of any of the 4 main elements, the caster can specify which by adding the element into the spell call (e.g. By The Elements Summon Water Elemental), or leave it up to the refs (By The Elements Summon Elemental). There is no mechanical difference between the summons when it comes to elements, it is purely up to the preference of the Caster.
Dispel is now a 15 minute long duration rather than 1 hour.
Freeze Armour has been changed to being able to hear, but see nothing beyond a blur.
New Skills:
Scroll Lore:
This skill allows a character to create scrolls in which spells can be stored for later use. A spell cast into a scroll keeps the spell points necessary for the level cast and are released upon such a time. As such, the caster loses those spell points until they are released by the scroll. A scroll costs a silver to make, and a certain number of spell points cast by the maker these are regained at the magic rush, after they are made a spell can be placed into the scroll at any point by any spellcaster, these are not regained at magic rush. There are caveats on spells put into scrolls scrolls: Spell effects that do not have an external target or an area of effect (i.e. self only) can never be placed into scrolls. Spells with variable effects must have the effect chosen and stated when placed on the scroll. A scroll lasts as long as it’s spell level in weeks after which they lose their magic capability, becoming nothing more than paper once more (as if the scroll had been used).
You can craft 5 scrolls a week.
This skill has no ranks, you just now have the ability to make scroll paper.
This skill allows a Character to craft items using metal. They will need access to supplies and a Forge. Note: if you are unsure as to what level something you want to is talk to a ref.
The crafter can craft:
Knifes and daggers (both thrown and 1 handed)
Low level Jewelry and Horseshoes
Arrowheads and caltrops
Tools and crafted materials (i.e. nails, screws)
A crafter can craft 10 items from the above list over the course of a week, costing them 1 silver in materials each.
Note: a bag of 20 arrowheads/caltrops/crated materials counts as 1 item
The crafter can craft:
Swords, maces and other 1 handed weapons of metal.
Small metal structures like light stands and chairs.
Basic engraving jewellery
Studded leather.
A crafter can craft 5 items from the above list over the course of a week, costing them 3 silver in materials each.
The crafter can craft:
2 handed weapons made of metal
Scale mail and Lamellar.
Medium metal structures like door and cart frames.
More complicated jewellery
A crafter can craft 3 items from the above list over the course of a week, costing them 5 silver in materials each.
A crafter can also cover a weapon in a thin sheen of a particular material (aka silvering, but can also be done with Iron and other metals). This doubles the cost in materials for the items (this cost can and will change at ref discretion)
The crafter can craft:
Large metal structures like cages, solid doors and carriages.
Large weapons like battering rams, the metal parts of a siege weapon.
High quality jewellery
Chain mail
A crafter can craft 1 items from the above list over the course of a week, costing them 1 guilder in materials each.
A crafter can also create items made from materials other than steel, like silver and iron. This places a proportionate cost on the item made. (Ref discretion)
This skill represents the ability to read and write the common tongue of the land (represented by English). This skill has no ranks.
It can be bought multiple times for other languages (This time including the spoken tongue as well). When speaking another language hold two fingers up in the air and start the phrase/speech with ‘in x……’ to allow other to know that you are not speaking common. The known Languages are:
Common (default)
Archaic languages (not in general use)
High Elven
Elvish dialects such as wood elf, cloud elf
Old Dwarvish
Ancient Paravellian
Paravelian Sign Language
Others pending…..
To learn a new language a Character will have to find a tutor to teach them.
This skill represents the ability to carry out simple mathematics in everyday life, such as counting, addition and subtraction. This skill has no ranks.
Note: The above two skills have not changed they are just absent from the current rulebook……. for some reason.