Moulder Spells

By The Changes...

Level 1


Caster is aware of all creatures of the chosen type within the target area. Creatures must say ‘ping’ when the spell is cast. The creature chosen should be included as part of the spell call (i.e. Detect Elemental). The creature types available are as follows; Undead, Demons, Fae, Elementals and Natural.

Range Far                                           Duration Instant

Target Area                                             Save No


Caster can transmute a small item less than 1 cubic foot into a gold like appearance that will fool anyone without the trade rank at rank one.

Range Touch                                            Duration 15 minutes/1 Combat

Target Item                                               Save No


Caster can produce a source of light that can be used in two ways. A pool of magical light 10 feet radius centred on the caster that lasts for 15 minutes or light to the eyes which produces a pulse of light that will blind an Individual who fails the save for 5 seconds

Range Far                                            Duration 15 minutes/ 5 seconds 

Target Caster or individual                    Save No/ Yes


Caster can repair a single inanimate object which has been broken, either by magical or non magical means, this spell takes 5 seconds to reforge the object. (There is a ref discretion limit on size of objects - for example a door is too big)

Range Touch                                              Duration Instant 

Target Item                                                 Save No

Level 2

Magic Missile

Caster can cause a magic bolt to strike a specified location on a target, doing single enchanted through to that location. 

Range Far                                                   Duration Instant

Target Individual                                        Save No

Enchant Blade

Caster can cause a weapon to do enchanted 

Range Touch                                                Duration 15 minutes/1 combat

Target Bladed Weapon                              Save No

Arcane Armour

Caster gains 2 ranks of magical armour to all locations

Range Touch                                                Duration 15 minutes/1 combat 

Target Caster                                               Save No


Caster can cause a named non-magical inanimate object to break in to several pieces. (There is a ref discretion limit on the size of objects that can be shattered - e.g. you can shatter a shield or a weapon but not a door.)

Range Far                                                     Duration Instant

Target Item                                                   Save No

Level 3


Caster assumes the colour and texture of their surrounding, essentially becoming invisible. The spell will be broken if the caster moves or strikes another.

Range N/A                                                    Duration 15 minutes/1 combat

Target Caster                                               Save No


Caster can change the material of one touched item upto 6ft in size, or roughly a door or spear, from one solid material into another solid material. The item will maintain it's mass and will revert back to it's normal material after 15 minutes but will not revert to it's original state. For example if you turn an iron sword into clay and then broke it the pieces will revert to iron but the sword will still be broken.

Range Touch                                        Duration 15 minutes/1 combat

Target Item                                               Save No


Caster or individual can ignore the next spell to be targeted directly at them. Target must say Resist when it has been used.

Range Touch                                              Duration 1 Hour

Target Caster or Individual                      Save No

War Blade 

Caster can enchant 1 weapon to do double enchanted or 2 weapons can be enchanted to do single enchanted for the same period of time.

Range Touch                                             Duration 15 minutes/1 combat

Target weapon                                          Save No

Level 4

Weave Body

Caster can briefly make the pattern of a touched individual mutable, allowing them to move their remaining hit points between locations. This can be used on a character on their Death Count. The individual choses where to move their remaining hit points to and from as well as the amounts but cannot put a location below zero or above their maximum.

Range Touch                                                   Duration Instant

Target Individual                                            Save No


Caster can change an individual into a small inoffensive creature such as a frog or a mouse. All equipment that they are carrying is changed with them and they become 4 hits global and unable to use skills or spells. If used on others this spell lasts 2 minutes, if used on themselves this spell last 15 minutes.

Range Touch                                              Duration 2 minutes/15 minutes

Target Individual                                        Save Yes

Flame Blade

Caster can cause their weapon to become covered in magical fire, doing triple enchanted flaming, without harming the wielder

Range Touch                                              Duration 15 minutes /1 combat 

Target Caster's Weapon                           Save No


Target can reflect the next spell cast at them, returning all its effects onto its caster. This spell will work on the very next spell cast on the target, regardless of whether it is a beneficial or offensive spell. Target must call reflect when it has been used.

Range Touch                                                Duration Until Midnight

Target Caster or Individual                        Save No

Level 5

Cloak of Shadows 

Caster and any carried belongings become invisible. Whilst invisible the caster retains full movement and may even fight, but of course they will still take damage if weapons hit them. 

Range N/A                                                   Duration 1 minute

Target Caster                                              Save No


No targeted magic (of any description, even healing) will work on the target although they will still take the effects of area affecting spells and magically summoned creatures. The target can not use any magic themselves during this time either

Range Touch                                                  Duration 15 minutes/1 combat

Target Caster or Individual                          Save Yes


Caster becomes insubstantial, and can enter an inanimate object. The caster can leave the object through any surface they wish e.g. floor, ceiling, door etc. 

Range Touch                                                  Duration 15 minutes/1 combat

Target Caster                                                 Save No


Caster can give up to half their remaining spell points (calculated before this spell is cast) to another spell caster.

Range Touch                                                 Duration Until Midnight

Target Individual or Item                            Save No

Level 6


The caster can view an individual or an item through a meditative state to know the location of person or item. For 2 minutes the caster enters a trance like state allowing them to sense a magical connection with the target of the scrying. This provides the caster with glimpses of the target or item. The caster must have the name or an item of the target.  If a name is used it must be the name the character is known by (for players this will be the name upon your character sheet) and must be given in full, or if an item is used as the focus the item must either be magically bound to the owner or have been in the owners constant possession for at least a year. If the target is not on the same plane the caster will know which plane they are on but does not gain any further information.

Range Plane                                                  Duration 2 minutes

Target Varies                                                 Save No

Magic Graft

Caster can restore one injured location to full hit points, this spell is does not count as healing and as such can be used on Sebyth and others immune to magical healing.

Range Touch                                                  Duration Instant

Target Individual’s Location                        Save No


Caster can move to another place within 100 feet radius of the location. This spell takes a few seconds to move the caster, allowing the player to drop OC to move to the new location.

Range 100ft                                                   Duration Instant 

Target Caster                                                Save No


Caster can reflect all spell cast on them, so that the spell effects are returned on to their original caster. This works on all magic regardless of whether it is beneficial or offensive. The caster retains the ability to use their magic during this time

Range N/A                                                       Duration 15 Minutes/1 combat

Target Caster                                                  Save No

Level 7


Caster can dispel all active, non-permanent spells on a target. This spell can be directly targeted at magically summoned or animated creatures, to permanently destroy them. In this case the spell requires a save.

Range Touch                                                  Duration Instant

Target Varies                                                 Save No/Yes

Blades of the Arcane

Caster can enchant every weapon they are touching when this spell is cast to deal triple enchanted and the caster's choice of one modifier added to all weapons of: Flaming, Cold, Iron, Through or Silver.

Range Touch                                                  Duration 15 minutes/1 combat

Target Items                                                   Save No


Caster can change their shape or the shape or race of a target for 24 hours. Once changed, the target will take on all advantages and disadvantages of their new shape or race, excluding supernatural or magic creatures such as werewolves, in these cases the cast will take on the shape and smell but none of the natural abilities . The target’s mass must remain constant throughout the change. This spell also allows a caster to change any inorganic item into another one of the caster’s choosing. 

Range Touch                                                   Duration Until Midnight 

Target Willing individual or item                  Save No


Caster can open a portal to anywhere on the material plane, and transport themselves and upto 4 willing individuals to that location instantly. The caster must be able to clearly visualise the location so it must either be somewhere familiar to them or with a very detailed description.

Range Touch                                                    Duration Instant

Target Willing Group                                       Save No