Holy Symbol:
- Lotus Flower
- The Three Faced Goddess
- Named for her three faces, each representing an area of perfection.
- The soul: Almah
- The mind: Psykhe
- The body: Rondel
- Named for her three faces, each representing an area of perfection.
- Aesthetics followers are very self-centred, this is not to say they are selfish or narcissistic. Followers believe in the perfection of body mind and soul, one should not place one area of perfection before the others; it is in a balance of the three that perfection of the self can be found. And that is what the Three Faced Goddess stands for. The thing that most outsiders don’t understand about most Aesthetics followers is that they know that they will never achieve true perfection, it in the struggle and the journey that they believe they should be.
Holy Days:
- Day of the Mind March 14th – This is the day that Aesthetics followers spend celebrating the mind. They compete to show that they have improved their mental skills. They read to each other and recite poems and riddles.
- Day of the Body March 27th – This is the day that Aesthetics followers spend celebrating the body. They compete in tests of strength and physical skill, they rejoice for how far they have come since last year.
- Day of the Soul November 3rd – This is the day that Aesthetics followers celebrate the soul. They spend this day in quiet meditation, they think upon their achievements this past year. They also think upon their personality and their soul, they think on where they are lacking in this and how they might improve themselves even further.
- Aesthetics followers do not really have anathema. For hatred itself is wrong to them, sure an Aesthetics follower would never willingly become undead, but that is more due to the fact that you can’t perfect a soul that isn’t there. And they abhor taint on themselves but that is just another imperfection they must work to remove from themselves.