Maurizio Gotti

Maurizio Gotti

Professore Emerito

Università degli Studi di Bergamo


Maurizio Gotti is former Professor of English Language and Translation, and Director of CERLIS, the research centre on specialized languages based at the University of Bergamo. He has been President of the Italian Association of University Language Centres (1997-2000; 2004-2007, 2010-2013), of the Italian Association of English Studies (1999-2001) and of the European Confederation of University Language Centres (2000-2004). His main research areas are the features and origins of specialized discourse, both in a synchronic and diachronic perspective (Robert Boyle and the Language of Science, Guerini 1996; Specialized Discourse: Linguistic Features and Changing Conventions, Peter Lang 2003; Investigating Specialized Discourse, Peter Lang 32011). He is also interested in English syntax – English Diachronic Syntax (ed.), Guerini 1993; Variation in Central Modals (co-author), Peter Lang 2002 – and English lexicology and lexicography, with particular regard to specialized terminology and canting (The Language of Thieves and Vagabonds, Niemeyer 1999). He is a member of the Editorial Board of national and international journals, and edits the Linguistic Insights series for Peter Lang.

Maurizio Gotti è Professore Emerito di Lingua e Traduzione Inglese e Direttore del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere dell'Università di Bergamo. E' stato Direttore del CERLIS (Centro di Ricerca sui Linguaggi Specialistici) e Presidente dell'Associazione Italiana dei Centri Linguistici Universitari (1997-2000; 2004-2007), dell'Associazione Italiana di Anglistica (1999-2001) e della Confederazione Europea dei Centri Lingusitici Universitari (2000-2004). Da anni, nella sua attività di ricerca, si occupa di tematiche concernenti la lingua inglese, la linguistica inglese e la didattica delle lingue straniere, con particolare interesse per le caratteristiche e le origini dei linguaggi specialistici, sia in chiave sincronica (I linguaggi specialistici, La Nuova Italia: 1991; Specialized Discourse, Lang: 2003; Investigating Specialized Discourse, Peter Lang: 32011) che diacronica (Robert Boyle and the Language of Science, Guerini : 1996), la lessicografia inglese (The Language of Thieves and Vagabonds , Niemeyer : 1999) e la sintassi della lingua inglese (English Diachronic Syntax (ed.), Guerini : 1993; Variation in Central Modals (con altri, Lang : 2002) . E' curatore della collana Linguistic Insights: Studies in Language and Communication (Berna: Peter Lang).


Main research areas:

  • The features and origins of specialized discourse, both in a synchronic and diachronic perspective
  • History of the English language
  • English lexicology and lexicography
  • (English) language teaching

Coordinator of research projects on various aspects of English language and linguistics, both at national and international level.


Gotti, Maurizio 2018. ‘Interactions between Linguists and Legal Practitioners Within and Across Professional Practices’, in Tessuto, Girolamo / Bhatia, Vijay K. / Engberg, Jan (eds) Frameworks for Discursive Actions and Practices of the Law. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 1-22.

Gotti, Maurizio 2018. ‘LSP as Specialised Genres’, in Humbley, John / Budin, Gerhard / Laurén, Christer (eds) Languages for Special Purposes, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018, 3-25.

Gotti, Maurizio 2018. ‘The Collaboration between Applied Linguists and Professional Experts: An Interdisciplinary Perspective’, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 13/ 1-3, 78–96.

Gotti, Maurizio / Orts, Maria Angeles / Breeze, Ruth (eds) 2017. Power, Persuasion and Manipulation in Specialised Genres. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio / Maci, Stefania / Sala, Michele (eds) 2017. Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being: Representing the Voices of Tourism. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio / Bhatia, Vijay K. / Hashim, Azirah / Koh, Philip / Rajoo, Sundra (eds) 2017. International Arbitration Discourse and Practices in Asia. London: Routledge.

Gotti, Maurizio 2017. Interdisciplinary Cooperation in the Analysis of Specialized Discourse: Challenges and Prospects. In Vargas-Sierra, Chelo (ed.) Professional and Academic Discourse: an Interdisciplinary Perspective. EPiC Series in Language and Linguistics, Volume 2, 1-13.

Gotti, Maurizio 2017. The Influence of Legal Tradition on Italian Arbitration Discourse. Semiotica, 216, 317-338

Gotti, Maurizio 2017. Power and Persuasion in Arbitration. In Orts, Maria Angeles / Breeze, Ruth / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) Power, Persuasion and Manipulation in Specialised Genres. Bern: Peter Lang, 267-284.

Gotti, Maurizio / Bhatia, Vijay K. / Hashim, Azirah / Koh, Philip / Rajoo, Sundra 2017. Introduction. In Vijay K. Bhatia / Gotti, Maurizio / Hashim, Azirah / Koh, Philip / Rajoo, Sundra (eds) International Arbitration Discourse and Practices in Asia. London: Routledge, 1-3.

Gotti, Maurizio / Pellegrinelli, Piera / Signorini, Elena 2017. The Combination of Arbitration with Conciliation/Mediation in the Legislation of the People’s Republic of China. In Vijay K. Bhatia / Gotti, Maurizio / Hashim, Azirah / Koh, Philip / Rajoo, Sundra (eds) International Arbitration Discourse and Practices in Asia. London: Routledge, 39-53.

Gotti, Maurizio 2017. The Cooperation between Applied Linguists and Professional Experts in the Analysis of Specialized Discourse. In Garzone, Giuliana / Catenaccio, Paola / Grego, Kim / Doerr, Roxanne (eds) Specialised and professional discourse across media and genres. Milano: Ledizioni, 17-34.

Gotti, Maurizio 2017. English as a Lingua Franca in the Academic World: Trends and Dilemmas’. Lingue e Linguaggi 24, 47-72.

Gotti, Maurizio / Salager-Meyer, Françoise (eds) 2016. Teaching Medical Discourse in Higher Education. Special Issue of Language Learning in Higher Education, 6/1.

Gotti, Maurizio / Salager-Meyer, Françoise 2016. Teaching Medical Discourse in Higher Education: An Introduction. In Gotti, Maurizio / Salager-Meyer, Françoise (eds) Teaching Medical Discourse in Higher Education. Special Issue of Language Learning in Higher Education, 6/1, 1-13.

Gotti, Maurizio 2016. The Translation of Legal Texts: Interlinguistic and Intralinguistic Perspectives. ESP Today 4/1, 5-21.

Gotti, Maurizio 2016. Globalisation in the Academic World: Implications for Language Education and Research. Synergy 12/1, 10-35.

Gotti, Maurizio 2016. Linguistic Features of Legal Texts: Translation Issues. Statute Law Review 37/2, 144-155.

Gotti, Maurizio 2016. Variations in Medical Discourse for Academic Purposes. In Pilar Ordóñez-López and Nuria Edo-Marzá (eds) Medical Discourse in Professional, Academic and Popular Settings. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 9-30.

Gotti, Maurizio 2015. 'Aspects of Arbitration Discourse: An Insight into China’s Arbitration Law'. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 28, 83-101.

Gotti, Maurizio 2015. ‘Investigating Academic Identity Traits’, The European English Messenger 24/1, 15-22.

Gotti, Maurizio 2015. ‘Code-switching and Plurilingualism in English-medium Education for Academic and Professional purposes’. Language Learning in Higher Education 5/1, 83-103.

Gotti, Maurizio 2015. ‘Insights into Medical Discourse: Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives’. ESP Today 3/1, 5-24.

Gotti, Maurizio 2015. ‘A Linguistic Insight into China's Arbitration Law’. In Bhatia, Vijay K. / Gotti. Maurizio (eds) Arbitration Discourse in Asia. Bern: Peter Lang, 19-40.

Gotti, Maurizio / Pellegrinelli, Piera / Signorini, Elena 2015. ‘Norms Concerning the Appointment and Challenge of Arbitrators in the Legislation of the People’s Republic of China’. In Bhatia, Vijay K. / Gotti. Maurizio (eds) Arbitration Discourse in Asia. Bern: Peter Lang, 103-128.

Gotti, Maurizio / Maci, Stefania / Sala, Michele (eds) 2015. The Language of Medicine: Science, Practice and Academia. CERLIS Series Vol. 5. Bergamo, CELSB.

Gotti, Maurizio / Maci, Stefania / Sala, Michele (eds) 2015. Insights into Medical Communication. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio / Bhatia, Vijay K. (eds) 2015. Arbitration Discourse in Asia. Bern: Peter Lang. (LEG)

Gotti, Maurizio 2014. ‘Reformulation and Recontextualization in Popularization Discourse’. Ibérica 27, 15-34.

Gotti, Maurizio 2014. ‘Scientific Interaction Within Henry Oldenburg’s Letter Network’. Journal of Early Modern Studies 3, 151-171.

Gotti, Maurizio 2014. ‘Interpersonality in Mediation Discourse’. In Breeze, Ruth / Gotti, Maurizio / Sancho Guinda/ Carmen (eds) Interpersonality in Legal Genres. Bern: Peter Lang, 303-327.

Gotti, Maurizio 2014. ‘Explanatory Strategies in University Courses Taught in ELF’. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 3/2, 337-361.

Gotti, Maurizio 2014. ‘Adopting and Adapting an International Model Law in a Multilingual and Multicultural Context’. Semiotica: Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies 201, 35-58.

Gotti, Maurizio 2014. ‘Cooperative Meaning-Making Strategies in ELF University Courses’. Textus 27/1, 17-33.

Gotti, Maurizio 2014. ‘Linguistic Insights into Legislative Drafting’. The Theory and Practice of Legislation 2/2, 123-143.

Gotti, Maurizio 2014. ‘Translating International Arbitration Norms into the Italian Language and Culture’. In Cheng, Le / Sin, King Kui / Wagner Anne (eds) The Ashgate Handbook of Legal Translation. Farnham (UK): Ashgate, 193-207.

Gotti, Maurizio / D’Angelo, Larissa 2014. ‘Genre Variation in Mediation Practice: Traditional vs Online Processes’. In Evangelisti Allori, Paola / Bateman, John / Bhatia, Vijay K. (eds) Evolution in Genre. Bern: Peter Lang, 209-234.

Gotti, Maurizio 2014. ‘Conversation and Argumentation in Boyle’s Scientific Dialogue’. Armenian Folia Anglistika 1/12, 7- 21.

Gotti, Maurizio / Giannoni, Davide (eds) 2014. Corpus Analysis for Descriptive and Pedagogical Purposes: ESP Perspectives. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio / Breeze, Ruth / Sancho Guinda, Carmen (eds) 2014. Interpersonality in Legal Genres. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio 2013. ‘Weaving a Narrative Paradigm in Academic and Professional Communication’. In Gotti, Maurizio / Sancho Guinda, Carmen (eds) Narratives in Academic and Professional Genres. Bern: Peter Lang, 13-41.

Gotti, Maurizio 2013. ‘The Analysis of Popularization Discourse: Conceptual Changes and Methodological Evolutions’. In Kermas, Susan / Christiansen, Thomas (eds) The Popularization of Specialized Discourse and Knowledge across Communities and Cultures. Bari: Edipuglia, 9-13.

Gotti, Maurizio 2013. ‘Investigating the Generic Structure of Mediation Processes’. In Johannesson, Nils-Lennart / Melchers, Gunnel / Björkman, Beyza (eds) Of Butterflies and Birds, of Dialects and Genres: Essays in Honour of Philip Shaw. Stockholm: Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, 61-76.

Gotti, Maurizio 2013. ‘The formation of the Royal Society as a community of practice and discourse’. In Kopaczyk, Joanna / Jucker, Andreas (eds) Communities of Practice in the History of English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 269-285.

Gotti, Maurizio / D’Angelo, Larissa 2013. ‘Mediating Disputes with Digital Media’. In Wagner, Anne / Sherwin, Richard K. (eds) Law, Culture and Visual Studies, Dordrecht: Springer, 631-648.

Gotti, Maurizio / Sancho Guinda, Carmen (eds) 2013. Narratives in Academic and Professional Genres. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio 2012. ‘Investigating Identity Traits in Academic Discourse with the Aid of the CADIS Corpus’. In Moskowich, Isabel; Crespo, Begoña (eds) Encoding the Past, Decoding the Future: Corpora in the 21st Century. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 177-203.

Gotti, Maurizio 2012. ‘Variation in Academic Texts’. In Gotti, Maurizio (ed.) Academic Identity Traits: A Corpus-Based Investigation. Bern: Peter Lang, 23-42.

Gotti, Maurizio 2012. ‘The CADIS Corpus’ In Gotti, Maurizio (ed.) Academic Identity Traits: A Corpus-Based Investigation. Bern: Peter Lang, 43-56.

Gotti, Maurizio 2012. ‘Text and Genre’. In Tiersma, Peter M. / Solan, Lawrence M. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Language and Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 52-66.

Gotti, Maurizio 2012. ‘The Litigational ‘Colonisation’ of ADR Discourse’. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse, 2/1, 31-51.

Gotti, Maurizio 2012. ‘Managing disputes with civility: On seventeenth-century argumentative discourse’. In Busse, Ulrich / Axel Hübler (eds) Investigations into the Meta-Communicative Lexicon of English. A contribution to historical pragmatics. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 89-109.

Gotti, Maurizio 2012. ‘Malthus’ Discussion of Definitional Criteria’. In Frentiu, Luminita / Punga Loredana (eds) A Journey through Knowledge: Festschrift in Honour of Hortensia Parlog. Newcastle upon Tyne: Camdridge Scholars Publishing, 81-93.

Gotti, Maurizio 2012. ‘La riscrittura del testo da specialistico a divulgativo’. Altre Modernità / Otras Modernidades / Autres Modernités / Other Modernities, 145-159.

Gotti, Maurizio 2012. ‘Specialized English Courses for Language Specialists: Curricular Innovations in Italian Higher Education’. In Dalziel, Fiona / Gesuato, Sara / Musacchio, Maria Teresa (eds) A Lifetime of English Studies: Essays in Honour of Carol Taylor Torsello. Padova: Il Poligrafo, 309-319.

Gotti, Maurizio 2012. ‘Cross-cultural Aspects of Academic Discourse’. Brno Studies in English 38/2, 59-78.

Gotti, Maurizio (ed.) 2012. Academic Identity Traits: A Corpus-Based Investigation. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio / Berkenkotter, Carol / Bhatia, Vijay (eds) 2012. Insights into Academic Genres. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio 2011. ‘The Development of Specialized Discourse in the Philosophical Transactions’. In Taivitsainen, Irma / Pahta, Päivi (eds) Medical Writing in Early Modern English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 204-220.

Gotti, Maurizio 2011. ‘Litigational Influence on Arbitration Discourse’. World Englishes 30/1, 81-91.

Gotti, Maurizio 2011. ‘Linguistic Aspects of Legal Drafting in an International Context’. In Cortese, Giuseppina (ed.) Reflections on Children’s Rights: Marginalized Identities in the Discourse(s) of Justice. Monza: Polimetrica, 27-42.

Gotti, Maurizio 2011. ‘Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise. An Introduction.’ In Garzone, Giuliana / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise. Genres and Trends. Bern: Peter Lang, 7-26.

Gotti, Maurizio 2011. ‘Discursive Changes in Corporate and Institutional Communication’. In Garzone, Giuliana / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise. Genres and Trends. Bern: Peter Lang, 29-48.

Gotti, Maurizio 2011. ‘Exercising Power and Control in Arbitration Proceedings’. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 24, 179-193.

Gotti, Maurizio 2011. ‘Globalisation in the Legal Field: Adopting and Adapting International Commercial Arbitration Rules’. In Pérez-Llantada, Carmen / Watson, Maida (eds) Specialised Languages in the Global Village: A Multi-Perspective Approach. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 79-101.

Gotti, Maurizio 2011. ‘Developments in the Discourse of Conflict Resolution’. In Lapland Law Review 1, 30-51.

Gotti, Maurizio 2011. ‘Identity Traits in Legal Texts’. In Baccolini, Raffaella / Chiaro, Delia / Rundle, Christopher / Whitsitt, Sam (eds) Minding the Gap. Studies in Linguistic and Cultural Exchange for Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli. Bologna: Bononia University Press, 287-298.

Gotti, Maurizio 2011. 'Discursive Changes in Languages for Specific Purposes'. Languages for Specific Purposes: Challenges and Prospects. Belgrad: Facultatea de Filosofie, Universitatea din Belgrad, Serbia, Foreign Language and Literature Association of Serbia, 31-39.

Gotti, Maurizio 2011. ‘The Judicialization of Arbitration Discourse in the Italian Context’. In Bhatia, Vijay / Candlin, Christopher / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) Discourse and Practice in International Commercial Arbitration. Farnham: Ashgate, 129-146.

Gotti, Maurizio 2011. ‘Insights into Medical Discourse in Oral and Written Contexts’. In Loiacono, Anna / Iamartino, Giovanni / Grego, Kim (eds) Teaching Medical English: Methods and Models. Monza: Polimetrica, 29-55.

Gotti, Maurizio 2011. ‘Broadening Shared Knowledge within the Specialized Community in the 17th Century’. Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos, 17: 121-146.

Garzone, Giuliana / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) 2011. Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise. Genres and Trends. Bern: Peter Lang.

Bhatia, Vijay / Candlin, Christopher / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) 2011. Discourse and Practice in International Commercial Arbitration. Farnham: Ashgate.

Gotti, Maurizio / Anesa, Patrizia 2011. ‘Professional Identities in Italian Arbitral Awards: the Spread of Lawyers’ Language’. In Bhatia, Vijay K. / Evangelisti Allori, Paola (eds) Discourse and Identity in the Professions. Bern: Peter Lang, 189-212.

Bhatia, Vijay / Candlin, Christopher / Gotti, Maurizio 2011. ‘International Commercial Arbitration Practice: A Discourse-based Perspective’. In Bhatia, Vijay / Candlin, Christopher / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) Discourse and Practice in International Commercial Arbitration. Farnham: Ashgate, 3-8.

Gotti, Maurizio / Bhatia, Vijay / Candlin, Christopher 2011. ‘Contested Identities in Interrnational Arbitration Practice’. In Bhatia, Vijay / Candlin, Christopher / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) Discourse and Practice in International Commercial Arbitration. Farnham: Ashgate, 301-318.

Bhatia, Vijay / Candlin, Christopher / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) 2010. The Discourses of Dispute Resolution. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio / Williams, Christopher (eds) 2010. Legal Discourse across Languages and Cultures. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio 2010. ‘Identity Traits in Written Academic Discourse across Languages and Cultures’. In Lorés-Sanz, Rosa / Mur-Duenas, Pilar / Lafuente-Millàn, Enrique (eds) Contructing Interpersonality: Multiple Perspectives on Written Academic Genres. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 41-59.

Gotti, Maurizio 2010. ‘Transforming Private Correspondence into Public News: the Distribution of Scientific Information through Letter Writing in 17th-century England.’ In Cottone, Margherita / Chiavetta, Eleonora (eds) La scrittura epistolare in Europa dal Medioevco ai nostri giorni. Acireale: Bonanno, 15-29.

Gotti, Maurizio 2010. ‘CADIS: A Corpus for the Analysis of Identity Traits in Academic Discourse.’ In Von Hahn, Walther / Vertan, Cristina (eds) Specialized Language in Global Communication. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 421-430.

Gotti, Maurizio 2010. ‘Building and Breaking Discursive Conventions in Academic Writing.’ Armenian Folia Anglistika 7/1-2, 7-28.

Gotti, Maurizio 2010. ‘A New Genre for a Specialized Community.’ In Dorgeloh, Heidrun / Wanner, Anja (eds) Syntactic Variation and Genre. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 85-110.

Gotti, Maurizio (ed.) 2009. Commonality and Individuality in Academic Discourse. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio 2009. ‘Globalizing Trends in Legal Discourse’. In Olsen, Frances / Lorz, Alexander / Stein, Dieter (eds) Translation Issues in Language and Law. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, 5-75.

Gotti, Maurizio 2009. ‘Aspects of Individuality in J.M. Keynes ‘General Theory’’. In Gotti / Maurizio (ed.) Commonality and Individuality in Academic Discourse. Bern: Peter Lang, 2009, 279-302.

Gotti, Maurizio 2009. ‘Legal Drafting in an International Context: Linguistic and Cultural Issues’. In Šarčević, Susan (ed.) Legal Language in Action: Translation, Terminology, Drafting and Procedural Issues. Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus, 277-299.

Gotti, Maurizio 2009. 'La traduzione di Thomas Salusbury della terminologia specialistica di Galileo'. In Bernard, Margherita / Rota, Ivana / Bianchi, Marina (eds) Vivir es ver volver: Studi in onore di Gabriele Morelli. Bergamo: Bergamo University Press, 277-286.

Gotti, Maurizio 2008. ‘Linguistic and stylistic features of 18th-century English advertisements’. In Iamartino, Giovanni / Maggioni, Maria Luisa / Facchinetti, Roberta (eds) Thou Sittest at Another Boke… Monza: Polimetrica, 369-385.

Gotti, Maurizio 2008. ‘Developments in Medical Discourse in Early Modern English’. In Douthwaite, John / Pezzini, Domenico (eds) Words in Action. Genova: ECIG, 92-105.

Gotti, Maurizio 2008. ‘Globalizzazione e localizzazione nel discorso giuridico: il caso dell’arbitrato commerciale internazionale’, In Garzone, Giuliana / Santulli, Francesca (cur.) Il linguaggio giuridico: prospettive interdisciplinari. Milano: Giuffrè, 179-203.

Gotti, Maurizio 2008. ‘CADIS – A Corpus of Academic Discourse’. In Martelli, Aurelia / Pulcini, Virginia (eds) Investigating English with Corpora. Monza: Polimetrica, 277-291.

Gotti, Maurizio 2008. ‘The Formulation of Legal Concepts in Arbitration Normative Texts in a Multilingual, Multicultural Context’. In Bhatia, Vijay / Candlin, Christopher / Evangelisti Allori, Paola (eds) Language, Culture and the Law. Bern: Peter Lang, 23-45.

Gotti, Maurizio 2008. ‘Customising the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration’. In Wagner, Anne / Cacciaguidi-Fahi, Sophie (eds) Obscurity and Clarity in the Law: Prospects and Challenges. Aldershot: Ashgate, 89-108.

Gotti, Maurizio 2008. ‘Cultural Constraints on Arbitration Discourse’. In Bhatia, Vijay / Candlin, Christopher / Engberg, Jan (eds) Legal Discourse across Cultures and Systems. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 221-252.

Gotti, Maurizio 2008. ‘El discurso jurìdico en diversas lenguas y culturas: Tendencia a la globalizaciòn e identidades locales’. Revista Stgnos 41/68, 381-401.

Gotti, Maurizio / D’Angelo, Larissa 2008. ‘CADIS: A Corpus for the Analysis of Identity Traits in English Specialised Discourse’. In Di Martino, Gabriella / Polese, Vanda / Solly, Martin (eds) Identity and Culture in English Domain-Specific Discourse. Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2008, 311-324.

Gotti, Maurizio 2007. ‘Legal Discourse in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts’. In Kredens, Krzysztof / Gozdz-Roszkowski, Stanislaw (eds) Language and the Law: International Outlooks. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 21-33.

Nickenig, C. / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) 2007. Qual è il ruolo dei Centri Linguistici d’Ateneo nella didattica dei linguaggi specialistici? Bolzano: Bolzano University Press.

Gotti, Maurizio 2007. ‘Globalisation and Discursive Changes in Specialised Contexts’. In Fairclough, N. / Cortese, G. / Ardizzone, P. (eds) Discourse and Contemporary Social Change. Bern: Peter Lang, 143- 172.

Gotti, Maurizio 2007. ‘Intercultural Trends in Specialized Discourse’. British and American Studies XIII, 215-232.

Gotti, Maurizio 2007. ‘Identity and Cross-Cultural Communication’. Proceedings of the 72nd Annual Convention of The Association for Business Communication, Oct. 10-12, 2007, Washington, DC.

Bhatia, Vijay / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) 2006. Explorations in Specialized Genres. Bern: Peter Lang.

Flowerdew, John / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) 2006. Studies in Specialized Discourse. Bern: Peter Lang.

Salager-Meyer, Françoise / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) 2006. Advances in Medical Discourse Analysis: Oral and Written Contexts. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio / Giannoni, Davide S. (eds) 2006. New Trends in Specialized Discourse Analysis. Bern: Peter Lang.

Šarčević, Susan / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) 2006. Insights into Specialized Translation. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio 2006. ‘Communal Correspondence in Early Modern English: The Philosophical Transactions Network’. In Dossena, M. / Fitzmaurice, S. M. (eds) Business and Official Correspondence: Historical Investigations. Bern: Peter Lang, 17-46.

Gotti, Maurizio 2006. ‘Disseminating Early Modern Science. Specialized News Discourse in the Philosophical Transactions’. In Brownlees, N. (ed.) News Discourse in Early Modern Britain. Bern: Peter Lang, 41-70.

Gotti, Maurizio 2006. ‘The Language of Tourism as Specialized Discourse’. In Palusci, O. / Francesconi, S. (eds) Translating Tourism: Linguistic / Cultural Representations. Università di Trento: Dipartimento di Studi Letterari, Linguistici e Filologici, 15-34.

Gotti, Maurizio 2006. ‘Metalinguistic Considerations in 17th-century Specialized Discourse’. In Duszak, A. / Okulska, U. (eds) Bridges and Barriers in Metalinguistic Discourse. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 217-231.

Gotti, Maurizio 2006. ‘Harmonizing the Norms on International Commercial Arbitration: Globalizing Trends, Local Constraints’. In Lehtinen, E. / Niemelä, N. (eds) LSP and Theory of Translation: Proceedings of the 26th VAKKI Symposium (Vasa 11-12.2.2006). University of Vasa, 10-26.

Gotti, Maurizio 2006.‘Creating a Corpus for the Analysis of Identity Traits in English Specialised Discourse’. The European English Messenger 15/2, 44-47.

Gotti, Maurizio 2006. ‘Linguistic and Cross-cultural Features of Legal Texts: The Case of International Arbitration’. In Wang Jie, Su Jinzhi / Turi, J. G. (eds) Law, Language and Linguistic Diversity. Beijing: Law Press China, 98-128.

Gotti, Maurizio 2006. ‘Globalising Trends in Legal Discourse’. In Bartol, D. / Duszak, A. / Izdebski, H. / Pierrel, J.M. (eds) Langue, Droit, Société – Language, Law, Society. Special Issue of Cahiers DNPS (Dictionnaire des notions politiques et sociales des pays d’Europe centrale et orientale) no. 5-6, 351-365.

Bhatia. Vijay / Engberg, Jan / Gotti, Maurizio / Heller, Dorothee (eds) 2005. Vagueness in Normative Texts. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gillaerts Paul / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) 2005. Genre Variation in Business Letters. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio 2005. Investigating Specialized Discourse. Bern: Peter Lang.

Bargiela-Chiappini, Francesca / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) 2005. Asian Business Discourse(s). Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio 2005. ‘English in Intercultural Settings: Globalising Trends and Local Resistance’. In Cortese, G. / Duszak, A. (eds) Identity, Community, Discourse. Bern: Peter Lang, 139-166.

Gotti, Maurizio 2005. ‘English Across Communities and Domains: Globalising Trends and Intercultural Conflicts’. In Bondi, M. / Maxwell, N. (eds) Cross-cultural Encounters: Linguistic Perspectives. Roma: Officina Edizioni, 11-32.

Gotti, Maurizio 2005. ‘Advertising Discourse in Eighteenth-century English Newspapers’. In Skaffari, J. / Peikola, M. / Carroll, R. / Hiltunen, R. / Warvik, B. (eds) Opening Windows on Texts and Discourses of the Past. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 23-38.

Gotti, Maurizio 2005. ‘Vagueness in the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration’. In Bhatia, V.K. / Engberg, J. / Gotti, M. / Heller, D. (eds) Vagueness in Normative Texts. Bern: Peter Lang, 227-253.

Candlin, Christopher / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) 2004. Intercultural Aspects of Specialized Communication. Bern: Peter Lang.

Candlin, Christopher / Gotti, Maurizio (eds) 2004. Intercultural Discourse in Domain-Specific English. Special issue of Textus, 17/1.

Gotti, Maurizio 2004. 'Legal Discourse in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts: Arbitration Texts in Europe'. The European English Messenger XIII/1, 30-31.

Gotti, Maurizio 2003. Specialized Discourse: Linguistic Features and Changing Conventions. Bern: Peter Lang

Gotti, Maurizio / Bhatia, Vijay / Candlin, Christopher (eds) 2003. Legal Discourse in Multilingual and Multicultral Contexts: Arbitration Texts in Europe. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio / Heller, Dorothee / Dossena, Marina (eds) 2002. Conflict and Negotiation in Specialized Texts. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio 2002. ‘The Linguistic Contribution to the Analysis of Professional Discourse’. In Candlin, C. N. (ed.) Research and Practice in Professional Discourse. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 421-440.

Gotti, Maurizio 2002. ‘I linguaggi specialistici in chiave didattica’. In Ingenito, Michele (ed). Didattica della lingua inglese nelle facoltà non umanistiche. Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 131-150.

Gotti, Maurizio 2002. ‘Anomalie d'uso nei linguaggi specialistici inglesi: motivazioni pragmatiche ed implicazioni didattiche’. In Porcelli, G. M. / Maggioni, L. / Tornaghi, P. (eds) Due codici a confornto. Atti del Convegno 'Comparing Codes: Italian vs English' (Brescia, 28-30 marzo 1996). Brescia: La Scuola, 229-246.

Gotti, Maurizio 2002. ‘The Development of English as a Language for Specialized Purposes’. In Cortese, Giuseppina / Riley, Philip (eds) Domain-specific English. Bern: Peter Lang, 65-86.

Gotti, Maurizio / Dossena, Marina (eds) 2001. Modality in Specialized Texts. Bern: Peter Lang.

Gotti, Maurizio 2001. ‘The Experimental Essay in Early Modern English’. European Journal of English Studies 5/2, 221-239.

Gotti, Maurizio 2001. ‘Semantic and Pragmatic Values of Shall and Will in Early Modern English Statutes’. in Gotti, M. / Dossena, M. (eds) Modality in Specialized Texts. Bern: Peter Lang, 89-111.

Gotti, Maurizio 2001. ‘The Rise of the Experimental Essay’. In Mayer, F. (ed.) Language for Special Purposes: Perspectives for the New Millennium, Vol. 2. Tübingen: Gunter Narr: 459-465.

Gotti, Maurizio 2000. ‘Linguisti e aziendalisti a confronto’. In Garzone, G. (ed.) Quale curriculum linguistico per l’azienda? Bologna: CLUEB, 23-26.

Gotti, Maurizio 2000. ‘Lexical Choices in an Early Galilean Translation’. In Coleman, Julie / Kay, Christian J. (eds) Lexicology, Semantics and Lexicography. Selected papers from the Fourth G.L. Brook Symposium, Manchester, August 1998. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 87-101.

Gotti, Maurizio 1999. ‘I linguaggi specialistici nell'apprendimento di una lingua straniera: principi teorici’. In Mansfield, Gillian (ed.) L’italiano dei linguaggi specialistici: Medicina, Economia e Diritto. Università di Parma, Centro Linguistico di Ateneo, 15-25.

Gotti, Maurizio 1998. ‘La valutazione delle competenze linguistiche di carattere specialistico’. In Pavesi, M. / Bernini, G. (eds) L'apprendimento linguistico all'Università: le lingue speciali. Roma: Bulzoni, 227-245.

Gotti, Maurizio 1998. ‘John Bullokar's "Termes of Art"’. In Fisiak, J. / Krygier, M. (eds) Advances in English Historical Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 63-78.

Gotti, Maurizio 1997. ‘Facoltà specialistiche e competenze linguistiche’. In Galazzi, E. (ed.) L'Università all'ascolto dell'Azienda. Milano: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Facoltà di Economia, 57-66.

Gotti, Maurizio 1996. ‘Innovazioni lessicali nell'inglese informatico’. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata 25/2, 367-380.

Gotti, Maurizio 1996. ‘Il linguaggio della divulgazione: problematiche di traduzione intralinguistica’. In Cortese, G. (ed.) Tradurre i linguaggi settoriali. Torino: Cortina, 217-235.

Gotti, Maurizio 1996. Robert Boyle and the Language of Science. Milano: Guerini.

Gotti, Maurizio 1995. ‘Neological Formations in Robert Boyle's Texts’. Linguistica e Filologia 1, 51-68.

Gotti, Maurizio 1995. ‘Boyle's Considerations on Experimental Essays'’. In Siciliani, E. / Cecere, A. / Intonti, V. / Sportelli, A. (eds) Le trasformazioni del narrare, Atti del XVI Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Anglistica. Fasano (Br): Schena, 553-573.

Gotti, Maurizio 1994. ‘La grammatica inglese negli ambiti specialistici’. in Porcelli, G. (ed.) La grammatica inglese e il suo insegnamento. Brescia: La Scuola, 87-101.

Gotti, Maurizio 1994. ‘Boyle's Model of a "Civil" Style’. Quaderni del Dipartimento di Linguistica e Letterature Comparate 10 (Università degli Studi di Bergamo). Milano: Guerini, 273-285.

Gotti, Maurizio 1994. ‘The English of 18th Century Advertisements’. Merope 6/13 (Università 'G. D'Annunzio', Pescara), 97-118.

Gotti, Maurizio 1994. ‘Malthus and the Definition of Economic Terms’. In Hart, D. (ed.) Aspects of English and Italian Lexicology and Lexicography. Roma: Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio, Serie Ricerche, n. 10, Università 'La Sapienza', 254-264.

Gotti, Maurizio 1994. ‘Robert Boyle's Views on the Language of Science’. In Gunnarsson, B.L. / Linell, P. / Nordberg, B. (eds) Text and Talk in Professional Contexts. Uppsala: Association Suédoise de Linguistique Appliquée (ASLA), 23-35.

Gotti, Maurizio 1993. ‘Rhetoric and the Language of Economists: McCloskey's Proposal’. In Castorina, G. / Villa, V. (eds) La fortuna della Retorica. Chieti: Métis, 249-258.

Gotti, Maurizio 1993. ‘The Scientific Dialogue as 'Play of Ideas: Boyle's Sceptical Chymist’. In Caliumi G. (ed.) Shakespeare e la sua eredità. Parma: Zara, 455-469.

Gotti, Maurizio 1992. ‘Emotional Aspects of Argumentative Discourse’. In Rutelli, R. / Johnson, A. (eds) I linguaggi della passione. Udine: Campanotto, 355-365.

Gotti, Maurizio 1992. ‘The Development of a Scientific Language in the 17th Century’. In Nocera Avila, C. / Pantaleo, N. / Pezzini, D. (eds) Early Modern English: Trends, Forms and Texts. Fasano (Br): Schena, 319-343.

Gotti, Maurizio 1992. Testi specialistici in corsi di lingue straniere. Firenze: La Nuova Italia.

Gotti, Maurizio 1991. I linguaggi specialistici: caratteristiche linguistiche e criteri pragmatici. Firenze: La Nuova Italia.

Gotti, Maurizio 1991. ‘The Linguistic Contribution to Interdisciplinary Research’. In Prat Zagrebelsky, M.T. (ed.) The Study of English Language in Italian Universities. Alessandria: Dell'Orso, 143-159.

Gotti, Maurizio 1990. ‘Main Features of the Lexis of Computer Science’. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata, 19/1, 49-60.

Gotti, Maurizio 1990. ‘La General Theory come opera aperta’. In Marzola, A. / Silva, F. (eds) John M. Keynes: linguaggio e metodo. Bergamo: Lubrina, 185-230. (‘The General Theory as an Open-ended Work’. In Elgar, Edward (ed.) London, 1994, 155-191).

Gotti, Maurizio 1989. ‘Conflictual Aspects in J. M. Keynes' General Theory’. In AA.VV. (eds) Il muro del linguaggio: conflitto e tragedia. Napoli, 511-524.

Gotti, Maurizio 1988. ‘I testi per l'insegnamento dei linguaggi specialistici inglesi’. In AA.VV. (eds) Il linguaggio delle scienze e il suo insegnamento. Brescia: La Scuola, 137-148.

Gotti, Maurizio 1988. ‘Il modello argomentativo di J.M. Keynes nella General Theory’. Quaderni del Dipartimento di Linguistica e Letterature Comparate 4/1 (Università degli Studi di Bergamo), 83-104.

Gotti, Maurizio 1986. ‘L'insegnamento dei linguaggi specialistici’. Scuola e lingue moderne 24/ 7-8, 223-229 (reprinted in Balboni e Gotti (1987), 299-306).

Gotti, Maurizio 1986. ‘Communicative Techniques for the Teaching of Commercial English’. In Holden, S. (ed.) Techniques of Teaching: from Theory to Practice. Oxford: Modern English Publications, 99-104 and 199.

Gotti, Maurizio 1986. ‘L'insegnamento delle microlingue’. In Gotti, M. (ed.) Scuola e lingue moderne 24/7-8.

Gotti, Maurizio 1985. ‘Presentazione di una unità didattica per l'insegnamento della lingua straniera nelle scuole ad indirizzo commerciale'’. Scuola e lingue moderne 23/12, 320-326 (reprinted in Balboni e Gotti (1987), 355-361).

Gotti, Maurizio 1984. ‘How Successful Can an ESP Course by a Non-Specialist Teacher Be?’. In Holden, S. (ed.) Teaching and the Teacher. Oxford: Modern English Publications, 138-141.

Main publications (only volumes):

a. Specialized discourse

- (Ed. with Maci, Stefania / Sala, Michele) 2015. The Language of Medicine: Science, Practice and Academia. CERLIS Series Vol. 5. Bergamo, CELSB.

- (Ed. with Maci, Stefania / Sala, Michele) 2015. Insights into Medical Communication. Bern: Peter Lang.

- (Ed. with Bhatia, Vijay K.) 2015. Arbitration Discourse in Asia. Bern: Peter Lang.

- (Ed. with Davide S. Giannoni). Corpus analysis for descriptive and pedagogical purposes: ESP perspectives. Bern: Peter Lang, 2014.

- (Ed. with Ruth Breeze / Carmen Sancho Guinda). Interpersonality in Legal Genres. Bern: Peter Lang, 2014.

- (Ed. with Carmen Sancho Guinda). Narratives in Academic and Professional Genres. Bern: Peter Lang, 2013.

- (Ed. with Vijay Bhatia / Christopher Candlin) Discourse and Practice in International Commercial Arbitration. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012.

- (Ed.) Academic Identity Traits: A Corpus-Based Investigation. Bern: Peter Lang, 2012.

- (Ed. with Carol Berkenkotter / Vijay Bhatia). Insights into Academic Genres. Bern: Peter Lang, 2012.

- (Ed. with Giuliana Garzone) Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise. Genres and Trends. Bern: Peter Lang, 2011.

- (Ed. with Vijay Bhatia, / Christopher Candlin) Discourse and Practice in International Commercial Arbitration. Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.

- (Ed. with Vijay Bhatia / Christopher Candlin) The Discourses of Dispute Resolution. Bern: Peter Lang, 2010.

- (Ed. with Christopher Williams). Legal Discourse across Languages and Cultures. Bern: Peter Lang, 2010.

- Commonality and Individuality in Academic Discourse. Bern: Peter Lang, 2009.

- (Ed. with Vijay K. Bhatia) Explorations in Specialized Genres. Bern: Peter Lang, 2006.

- (Ed. with John Flowerdew) Studies in Specialized Discourse. Bern: Peter Lang, 2006.

- (Ed. with Françoise Salager-Meyer) Advances in Medical Discourse Analysis: Oral and Written Contexts. Bern: Peter Lang, 2006.

- (Ed. with Davide S. Giannoni) New Trends in Specialized Discourse Analysis. Bern: Peter Lang, 2006.

- (Ed. with Susan Šarčević) Insights into Specialized Translation. Bern: Peter Lang, 2006.

- Investigating Specialized Discourse. Bern: Peter Lang, 2005.

- (Ed. with Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini) Asian Business Discourse(s). Bern: Peter Lang, 2005.

- (Ed. with Paul Gillaerts ) Genre Variation in Business Letters. Bern: Peter Lang, 2005.

- (Ed. with Vijay K. Bhatia, Jan Engberg e Dorothee Heller) Vagueness in Normative Texts. Bern: Peter Lang, 2005.

- (Ed. with Christopher N. Candlin) Intercultural Discourse in Domain-specific English, special issue of Textus, XVII, 1, 2004.

- (Ed. with Christopher N. Candlin) Intercultural Aspects of Specialized Communication. Bern: Peter Lang, 2004.

- Specialized Discourse: Linguistic Features and Changing Conventions, Bern: Peter Lang, 2003.

- (Ed. with Vijay Bhatia and Christopher Candlin), Legal Discourse in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts: Arbitration Texts in Europe, Bern: Peter Lang, 2003.

- (Ed. with Dorothee Heller e Marina Dossena), Conflict and Negotiation in Specialized Texts, Bern: Peter Lang, 2002.

- (Ed. with Marina Dossena), Modality in Specialized Texts, Bern: Peter Lang, 2001.

- Robert Boyle and the Language of Science, Milan: Guerini, 1996.

- I linguaggi specialistici: caratteristiche linguistiche e criteri pragmatici. Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1991.

b. History of the English language

- (Ed. with Marina Dossena / Richard Dury) English Historical Linguistics 2006. 3 Vols. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2008.

- (Co-author with M.Dossena, R. Dury, R. Facchinetti and M. Lima), Variation in Central Modals, Bern: Peter Lang, 2002.

- (Ed.) English Diachronic Syntax, Milan: Guerini, 1993.

c. English lexicology and lexicography

- The Language of Thieves and Vagabonds – 17th and 18th Century Canting Lexicography in England, Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1999.

d. Language teaching

- (Ed. with Christoph Nickenig) Multilinguismo, CLIL e innovazione didattica. Bolzano: Bolzano University Press, 2013.

- (Ed. with Christopher Taylor and Carol Taylor Torsello) I centri linguistici: approcci, progetti e strumenti per l’apprendimento e la valutazione. Trieste: Dipartimento di Scienze del linguaggio, dell’interpretazione e della traduzione, Università di Trieste, 2005.

- (Ed. with Andrea Csillaghy), Le lingue nell’Università del Duemila, Forum, Udine, 2000.

- (Ed. with David Bickerton), Language Centres: Integration through Innovation, CercleS Secretariat, Department of Modern Languages, University of Plymouth, 1999.

- (Ed.) Progetti linguistici e sperimentazioni didattiche, Florence: Nuova Italia, 1996.

- Testi specialistici in corsi di lingue straniere. Florence: Nuova Italia, 1992.

- (Ed. with Paolo Balboni) Glottodidattica: aspetti e prospettive. Bergamo: Juvenilia, 1987.

- Insegnare le lingue straniere nella scuola elementare. Bologna: Zanichelli, 1986.

- (Ed.) L'insegnamento delle microlingue, special issue of Scuola e lingue moderne, XXIV, 7/8, 1986.

e. English studies

- (Ed. with Clotilde de Stasio and Rossana Bonadei) La rappresentazione verbale e iconica: valori estetici e funzionali, Atti dell'XI Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana di Anglistica. Milan: Guerini, 1990.