11thCERLIS Conference

Translation AND GendeR In THE Profession

17-19 June 2021


11th CERLIS CONFERENCE - Translation, Gender, Profession

(4th Valencia-Napoli Colloquium)



CERLIS2020 Conference

17-19 June 2021 (online)



CERLIS, the Research Centre on Languages for Specific Purposes of the University of Bergamo, organizes the next Conference on Translation and Gender in the Profession. After the successful 3rd Valencia/Napoli Colloquium on Gender & Translation, jointly organized by the GenText Research Group of the Universitat de València, the Dipartimento di Studi Letterari, Linguistici e Comparati of the Università di Napoli ‘L’Orientale’, and the GETLIHC Research Group (Grup de Estudis de Gènere: Traducciò, Literatura, Història i Comunicaciò), CERLIS takes over the initiative and proposes a Conference whose aim is to offer a broad view of research on Translation and Gender in the Profession around the world. The theme will be tackled from transdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, with various methodological approaches for LSP analysis (Translation Studies, Translation Theory and Practice, Applied and Cognitive Linguistics, Social Semiotics, Corpus Linguistics, etc.), especially in regard to discourses of academia, law, business, science, medicine (and their popularized forms), as well as tourism and the media, with a specific focus on gender perspectives.

Plenary lectures will be delivered by the following keynote speakers:

  • David Katan (Università del Salento)

  • José Santaemilia (Universitat de València)

  • Pascale Sardin (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne)

  • Jane Sunderland (University of Lancaster)

Abstracts and presentations should reflect at least one of the following themes:

  • LSP translation, transcreation and gender issues

  • Interpretation, community interpreting and gender issues

  • LSP translation accuracy and gender issues

  • Audiovisual translation from a gendered perspective

  • Teaching translation and interpreting from a gender perspective

  • Methodological approaches and translation practices and gender issues

  • Corpus-based translation research and gender issues

  • LSP Terminology, translation and gender sensitivity

  • Language, gender and translation in business contexts

  • Translation and gender-based analysis in academic discourse

  • Translation and gender-based analysis in science/health research

  • Gender issues in scientific and technical translations

  • Translation, gender and participant roles in court interpreting

  • Language, gender and translation in popularized forms of LSP discourse

  • LSP, EU legal language and gender

  • Translation, gender and the Media

  • Gender issues in the translation of tourist texts

Official languages of the conference: English, French, German, Spanish.


  • Stefania Maci (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)

  • Michele Sala (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)

  • Cinzia Spinzi (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)

  • Eleonora Federici (Università Napoli Orientale)

  • José Santaemilia (Universitat de Valencia)


  • Larissa D’Angelo (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)

  • Patrizia Anesa (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)

  • Gabriella Carobbio (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)

  • Stefania Consonni (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)

  • Sara Amadori (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)

Cerlis 2021 programme_DEF.pdf

Book of Abstracts

CERLIS 2021 Book of abstracts DEF.pdf

Registration and conference links

No registration is required.
The links to the various sessions can be found in the conference programme above.

Conference venue

The conference will be hosted by CERLIS, the Research Centre on Languages for Specific Purposes operating at the University of Bergamo, an institution where research has always been in the foreground and where various national and international conferences have already been organized (see http://www.unibg.it/cerlis).


The conference will start on Thursday morning and end at lunchtime on Saturday.

The conference will be held onlne

Deadlines to remember

  • Submission of abstracts: dedline expired

  • Notification of acceptance: already notified


The deadline for abstract submissions was 20th February, 2020. Notifications have already been sent

Should you have any queries, please contact us at cerlis@unibg.it


A selection of conference papers will be published in a volume and/or journal issue. Finalized versions of papers submitted for publication in the proceedings should be emailed to cerlis@unibg.it by 31 October 2021 at the latest. The upper limit is 7,000 words (10,000 for plenary papers), including references, footnotes, tables, etc. For formatting guidelines, please follow the stylesheet

Download the Stylesheet here.

About Bergamo

Bergamo is in Northern Italy, 50 km north-east of Milan, on the way to Lake Garda and Venice. Thanks to its international airport (sometimes advertised as ‘Milan-Orio al Serio’, or Milan-BGY), Bergamo can be reached by plane from many European cities; alternatively, participants may fly to Milan and take a train to Bergamo.

Map of BergamoUpper Town

Map of BergamoLower Town


Getting to Bergamo

By plane:

Landing in Bergamo:

Several low-cost carriers land in Bergamo airport, Il Caravaggio (Orio al Serio Airport, also advertised as Milan-Orio al Serio or Milan-BGY); from there, you can take a bus to the city centre and the Upper Town (bus No. 1; ca. € 2.40), or opt for a short taxi ride (€ 15-20 approximately).

Relevant links:

Landing in Milano MALPENSA:

In this case, you will need to take a train from Malpensa to Milano Centrale Station (Milan Central Station) and a train from there to Bergamo.

Milano Malpensa Airport

Malpensa airport has two terminals: Terminal 1 (for international flights) and Terminal 2 (for low-cost airlines). Between Terminals 1 and 2 there is a free shuttle (Navetta Terminal 1-Terminal 2), active 24 hours a day, running about every 7 minutes from 06.00 to 23.00 and about every 30 minutes from 23.00 to 06.00 (For more information: https://www.milanomalpensa-airport.com/it/da-per/collegamenti-terminal).

From Milan Malpensa Airport to Milan Central Station (Milano Centrale):

a. By bus. Malpensa Bus Express or Malpensa Shuttle Air Pullman to Milano Centrale (not Milano Cadorna) from Terminal 1 and 2: buy tickets from the driver standing by the door of bus; buses leave every 20 minutes from 6 to 1:20 am (takes 60 minutes). Ticket price: approximately € 10 round trip, € 16 round trip. (For more information: https://www.milanomalpensa-airport.com/it/da-per/in-bus)

b. By train. The Malpensa Express train to Milano Centrale (not Milano Cadorna) takes about 60 minutes and departs every 30 minutes from 05:37 to 22.37 (departures are at 7 and 37 minutes every hour from Terminal 2, and at minutes 13 and 43 from Terminal 1). From Milano Centrale to Malpensa, trains leave at 25 and 55 minutes every hour. Ticket price: ca. € 13 one way, € 20 round trip. (For more information: https://www.milanomalpensa-airport.com/it/da-per/in-treno)

c. By taxi. quite expensive as the airport is some way out. The taxi ride to Milano Centrale has a standard flat rate of ca. € 95. (For more information: https://www.milanomalpensa-airport.com/it/da-per/in-taxi)

Landing in Milano LINATE:

You can get from Milan Linate airport to Milan Central station (Milano Centrale) by bus (Air Bus Linate-Centrale, ca. € 5 one-way ticket, € 9 round trip: https://www.atm.it/it/AltriServizi/Trasporto/Pagine/airbus.aspx; Linate Shuttle, with the same prices: https://www.milano-aeroporti.it/linate-shuttle/index.html) or by taxi. It takes about 25 minutes. A cheaper option is urban bus 73, Aeroporto Linate - Duomo M1-M3, every 10 minutes; it takes almost one hour to the Duomo (ca. € 2.00). There, with the same bus ticket, take the M3 Metro line (the yellowline) Comasina direction to Centrale, then go to the train station. For more information: https://www.milanolinate-airport.com/it/da-per/in-bus

From Milano Centrale Station to Bergamo

Trains to Bergamo

Trains run every hour from Milano Centrale to Bergamo, from 05.35 to 23.40 hours, with departures at 5 minutes every hour most of the day. The journey from Bergamo to Milano Centrale runs between 05:00 and 23:00, with departures at 2 minutes every most of the day. However, the service is slightly more frequent in some time slots, in the morning and in the afternoon. The journey takes about 50 minutes. Tickets can be purchased at vending machines at the stations, or through the Trenitalia website (www.trenitalia.it which also has pages in English). As for the price, first class is ca. € 8.50, and second class is ca. € 5.50. Please note that in practice there is no appreciable difference between them.

In order to access the platforms at Milano Centrale station, tickets must be purchased in advance. Tickets must also be validated before getting on the trains (use the yellow or green machines found in the station lobby or on the platforms). If you cannot validate tickets, you must immediately inform the train personnel.

More information is available at http://www.trenitalia.com in both Italian and English. When choosing itineraries, select the “principali soluzioni” tab. It is advisable to take into account only direct travel solutions, without transfers.

Useful links (urban public transport, subway lines, buses, trams and funiculars, schedules, prices, passes, maps, etc.)

Milan: https://www.atm.it/it/Pagine/default.aspx

Bergamo: https://www.atb.bergamo.it/it

Stopover in Milan (by Richard Dury)

1. There are a number of business-type hotels near the Stazione Centrale - but they and the area are pretty dull.

2. An interesting area is Corso Magenta (continuing into Via Meravigli) – it’s got little specialist shops, historic buildings, Bar Magenta that was trendy the last time I went there (but since I stopped going, who knows...) and S. Maria Maggiore with Leonardo’s Last Supper (you have to book, but if you stay at a nearby hotel they should be able to help to book ahead of arrival; the number for booking yourself is 02/89 42 11 46) - you might think the Last Supper is so familiar that you know it already, but every time I’ve been to see it, it’s been an impressive experience (Nobel Laureate Dario Fo has just come up with a theory that the perspective lines give you the impression that you are floating a few feet above the ground). It’s also near the Ambrosiana, which was, I believe the first public art gallery. Note that the Via Meravigli area is quite close to Stazione Cadorna where the Malpensa Express shuttle train arrives/leaves from. In this area there’s Hotel S. Marta Suite (Via S. Marta 4). Also Hotel King, Corso Magenta 19. Via S. Marta is not far from Via Spadari and Peck, an amazing Aladin’s-cave of a delicatessen. Right next door to Peck is Hotel Spadari.

3. The most monumental and Parisian street in Milan (and perhaps the only bit of modern Milan apart from the inside of the Scala theatre that helps you understand why Stendhal asked to be buried under just his name and ‘un milanais’) is Corso Venezia: broad pavement and magnificent historic buildings on one side and the park on the other, leading down into the centre. On the trafficked Piazza Oberdan at the end of Corso Venezia is Hotel Promessi Sposi. Nearby in Via Nino Bixio 4/a is the Roxy Hotel (might be worth staying there just for the name).

4. The Brera area behind La Scala and round the main art museum (Brera) is also ‘molto tipico’, art galleries, cobbled streets, restaurants, Armani's house... On the busy street that marks the limit of the Brera area is Hotel Cavour, Via Fatebenefratelli 21.

Accommodations and meals

Participants are invited to make their own accommodation arrangements. Both in the Lower Town and in the Upper Town various hotels are available, from relatively inexpensive to luxury: below you will find a list of possible contacts. Early booking is highly recommended, as Bergamo is a popular tourist destination throughout the year.

As for meals, many restaurants and bars are located in the neighbourhood of the Conference venue.

Hotels http://dinamico.unibg.it/cerlis/page.aspx?p=313

Upper Town

***** Relais San Lorenzo, http://www.relaisanlorenzo.com/

**** Gombithotel, www.gombithotel.it

**** Piazza Vecchia, www.hotelpiazzavecchia.it

*** La Valletta, www.lavallettabergamo.it

** Sole, http://www.ilsolebergamo.com/

Lower Town

**** Cappello d’Oro, www.bwhotelcappellodoro-bg.it

**** Excelsior S. Marco, www.hotelsanmarco.com

**** NH Hotel, https://www.nh-hotels.it/hotel/nh-bergamo

**** Mercure Bergamo, www.mercure.com/mercure/fichehotel/gb/mer/3653/fiche_hotel.shtml

**** Petronilla, www.petronillahotel.com

**** Best Western Piemontese, http://www.hotelpiemontese.com/

*** Arli, http://www.arli.net/it/hotel/

*** B&B Hotel, www.hotelbb.it

*** Città dei Mille, www.hotelcittadeimille.it

*** San Giorgio, http://www.hotelsangiorgiobergamo.it/

Bed & breakfast

(See also https://www.bed-and-breakfast.it/en/bergamo ).

Upper Town

La Valletta, www.lavallettabergamo.it/

Villa Luna, www.bbvillaluna.it

Lower Town

Accademia, www.bedbreakfastaccademia.it/

L’Angolo del Poeta, www.angolodelpoeta.com

Ciccio, www.cicciobb.com


Lower Town

Central Hostel BG, https://www.centralhostelbg.com

Bergamo Hostel, https://www.ostellodibergamo.it/it/

Further details about accommodation


How to contact us

By email: cerlis@unibg.it

By post: 11thCERLIS – Università di Bergamo – Piazza Rosate 2 – 24129 Bergamo (Italy)