ISSN 2532-2559


Information about the journal

CERLIS Journal was founded in 2012 as the CERLIS Series within the CERLIS research centre (Centre for Research on Specialised Languages) of the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bergamo by CERLIS members Maurizio Gotti, Marina Dossena, Davide Giannoni, Stefania Maci, Michele Sala, Luisa Chierichetti, Giovanni Garofalo, Dorothee Heller, e Cecile Desoutter 

Currently, the journal is published by the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bergamo in cooperation with the University of Bergamo.

CERLIS Journal publishes original contributions by professors and researchers from the University of Bergamo and Italian and foreign scholars, hosting - without precluding any theoretical school of reference - works in the field of specialised languages and area linguistics, in all its theoretical and methodological approaches. Specifically, CERLIS Journal publishes research on languages for specific purposes (e.g. academic discourse, business and corporation discourse, institutional discourse, tourism discourse, legal discourse, scientific discourse, medical discourse, political discourse, media discourse, social sciences discourse, and the discourse of digitalization and popularization) with relevance to real-world problems on both a synchronic and diachronic level, in the fields of linguistic theory, applied linguistics, publishing volumes that focus on specific aspects of language use in one or more languages and that provide valuable insights into language and communication research.

CERLIS Journal is viewed not only as the relation between theory and practice, but also as the study of language and language-related problems in specific and specialized situations in which people use languages and learn professional practices. Within this framework the journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current inquiry as: bilingualism and multilingualism; computer-mediated communication; conversation analysis; corpus linguistics; critical discourse analysis; deaf linguistics; discourse analysis and pragmatics; first and additional language learning, teaching, and use; forensic linguistics; language assessment; language planning and policies; language for special purposes; lexicography; literacies; multimodal communication; rhetoric and stylistics; and translation.

All contributions submitted to the journal for publication are judged by the Scientific Committee, and all contributions submitted to the journal for publication are evaluated anonymously by two reviewers (at least one of whom must be external to the journal) chosen by the Scientific Committee. A list of the reviewers who contributed to the evaluation of the contributions is published every two years.

CERLIS Journal is an open access journal, and articles are published under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license. 

CERLIS Journal adheres to the BOAI definition: all users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles. This journal allows the Author(s) to hold the copyright and to retain publishing rights without restrictions and it does not charge APCs or submission charges. The PDF version of all the accepted articles and contributions can be accessed on-line and downloaded free of charge. The free on-line access to all contributions has been introduced to encourage a wider and more effective circulation of the ideas and findings originating from academic and scientific research.

Type: double-blind peer-reviewed journal of international scope

Frequency: published once a year

Language of contributions: French, English, German, Italian, Spanish

ISSN: 1594-6517

Indexed in: IRIS, ISSN – ROAD: the Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources 

Licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License.


Issue 1:

Maci, Stefania M.  /  Sala, Michele (eds) 2012

Genre Variation in Academic Communication. Emerging Disciplinary Trends


Issue 2:

Belotti, Ulisse. 2012

Dispute Resolution Narratives. A Linguistic Analysis of Arbitration Practice


Issue 3:

Chierichetti, Luisa /  Garofalo, Giovanni (eds) 2013

Discurso profesional y lingüística de corpus. Perspectivas de investigación


Issue 4:

Desoutter, Cécile / Heller, Dorothee / Sala, Michele (eds), 2013

Corpora in specialized communication - Korpora in der Fachkommunikation - Les corpus dans la communication spécialisée


Issue 5

Gotti, Maurizio /  Maci, Stefania M. / Sala, Michele (eds) 2015

The Language of Medicine: Science, Practice and Academia


Issue 6:

Chierichetti, Luisa / Mapelli, Giovanna (eds) 2015

Discurso médico. Reflexiones lingüísticas, históricas y lexicográficas


Issue 7:

Carobbio, Gabriella  / Lombardi, Alessandra  (eds) 2018

La comunicazione orale nel turismo. Analisi di generi comunicativi in lingua tedesca

Issue 8:

Maci, Stefania M.  / Sala, Michele (eds) 2019

Representing and redefining specialised knowledge: variety in LSP

Issue 9:

Consonni, Stefania  / D'Angelo, Larissa  / Anesa, Patrizia  (eds) (2020) 

Digital Communication and Metadiscourse: Changing Perspectives in Academic Genres.

Issue 10:

Consonni, Stefania  / D'Angelo, Larissa  (eds) (2021)

New Explorations in Digital Metadiscourse

Issue 11

Sala, Michele (ed) (2022)

Gender, Language and Translation. Representations and Transcodifications

Editor in Chief and Deputy Editors

Stefania M. Maci (University of Bergamo, Italy) - Editor in Chief

Paul Baker (University of Lancaster, UK) - Deputy Editor

Jose Santaemilia (Universitat de València, Spain)  - Deputy Editor

Jan Engberg (Aarhus University, Denmark)  - Deputy Editor

Scientific Board

Sara Amadori (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Giuseppe Balirano (University of Napoli l'Orientale, Italy)

Begoña Bellés Fortuño (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain)

Samuel Bennet (Uniwersytet im Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Poland)

Silvia Bernardini (University of Bologna, Italy)

Vijay Bhatia (City University of Hong Kong, HK)

Ana Bocanegra-Valle (Universidad de Cádiz, Spain)

Marina Bondi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)

Silviu Bruti (University of Pisa, Italy)

Gabriella Carobbio (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Paola Catenaccio (University of Milan, Italy)

Larissa D’Angelo (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Massimiliano Demata (University of Turin, Italy)

Cécile Desoutter (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Luisanna Fodde (University of Cagliari, Italy)

Miguel Fuster-Márquez (Universitat de València, Spain)

Giovanni Garofalo (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Maurizio Gotti, Emeritus Professor (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Maria Grazia Guido (University of Salento, Italy)

Cristina Hanganu-Bresch (Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, USA)

Dorothee Heller (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Violeta Jurkovic (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Marek Łukasik (Akademia Pomorska w Slupsku, Poland)

Danio Maldussi (University of Bologna, Italy)

Mark McGlashan (Birmingham City University, UK)

Capr Piotr (University of Lodz, Poland)

Michele Sala, (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Elena Semino  (University of Lancaster, UK)

Maria Grazia Sindoni (University of Messina, Italy)

Charlotte Taylor (University of Sussex, UK)

Jerome Tessuto (University of Naples, Italy)

Michael J. Zerbe (York College of Pennsylvania, USA)

Editorial board

Valentina Adami (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Annelie Ädel (Dalarna University, Sweden)

Patrizia Anesa (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Ismael Arinas Pellón (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)

William Bromwich (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)

Maria Vittoria Calvi (University of Milan, Italy)

Elena Carpi (University of Pisa, Italy)

Daniela Cesiri (Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy)

Luisa Chierichetti (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Isobelle Clarke (University of Lancaster, UK)

Stefania Consonni (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Gabriel Cutrufello (York College of Pennsylvania, USA)

Danio Maldussi (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Roberta Facchinetti (University of Verona, Italy)

Eleonora Federici (University of Ferrara, Italy)

Costas Gabrielatos (Edge Hill University, UK)

Giuliana Garzone (IULM, Italy)

Éva Jakusné Harnos (National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary)

Karl-Gerhard Hempel (University of Salento, Italy)

Sylvia Jaworska (University of Reading, UK)

David Katan (University of Salento, Italy)

Maria Kuteeva (Stockholm University, Sweden)

Alessandra Lombardi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia, Italy)

Giovanna Mapelli (University of Milan, Italy)

Sergio Maruenda-Bataller (Universitat de València, Spain)

Anna Mauranen (University of Helsinki,  Finland)

Manuela Caterina Moroni (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Giulia Adriana Pennisi (University of Palermo, Italy)

Gina Poncini (Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)

Gianluca Pontrandolfo (University of Trieste, Italy)

Ignazia Posadinu (University of Essex, UK)

Chiara Preite (Università di Modena-Reggio Emilia, Italy)

Sandrine Reboul-Touré (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France)

Alessandra Rizzo (University of Palermo, Italy)

G0ranka Rocco (University of Ferrara, Italy)

Tiziana Roncoroni (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Elisa Rossi (Université Lumière Lyon2, France)

Carmen Sancho Guinda (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)

Mike Scott (Aston University, UK)

Lorella Sini (Università di Pisa, Italy)

Cinzia Spinzi (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Massimo Sturiale (University of Catania, Italy)

Michela Tonti (University of Bergamo, Italy)

Félix San Vicente (University of Bologna, Italy)

Elodie Vargas (Université Grenoble Alpes)

Sara Vecchiato (University of Udine, Italy)

Instruction for authors 

1.   CERLIS Journal publishes papers in English, French, German, and Spanish, although submissions in Italian can also be accepted.

2.   Submissions must be original and unpublished. Different text lengths are applicable, depending on the type of manuscript. Papers should be at least 5,000 and not more than 8,000 words long. Reviews should be no more than 3,000 words long.

The total count for all types of text mentioned includes footnotes, tables, graphs and references.

3.   The number of images, diagrams and figures should be limited to the strictly essential.

4.   In the case of the journal’s call for proposal, the call will indicate the deadline for making submissions (title + abstract of about 300 words + bibliographical references + author’s details). Authors should submit their abstract proposals by email to the journal’s secretarial department (cerlis@unibg.it)

5.   If the proposal is accepted by the editorial board, authors should deliver the original manuscript to cerlis@unibg.it as follows:

(a)   a digital file containing the title (in both the working language and in English), author’s name, author’s professional affiliation (including a full address for correspondence) and a brief biographical note in English (max. 300 words);

(b)  separately, a Word file (or a file in a Word-compatible word-processing format), redacting the author’s name and any other identification details, containing:

                   a. the original text, with the title (max. 8000 words) in English;

                   b. an abstract (max. 300 words) in both Spanish and English, clearly indicating the subject addressed, the methodology used and the argument put forward;

                   c. a list of up to five keywords in the same two languages as the abstract.

(c) in separate files, any images (in TIFF, JPG or PDF format, with definition of sufficiently high quality for the purposes of their being reproduced).

6.   Submissions will undergo a selection and peer-review process, according to the procedures and based on the criteria announced by the journal.

7.   Submissions must abide by the following style guidelines: 

Cerlis Journal stylesheet 

Peer reviewing process

All submitted manuscripts will be subject to a double-blind review process. 

Step 1: 

The Editor-in-Chief acknowledges the receipt of the manuscript within a week of receipt. Each manuscript is first screened by the Editor-in-Chief and by the Editorial Board to determine their appropriateness to proceed to a full peer review. Manuscripts will be declined without a peer review if:

- do not comply with the CERLIS Journal scope, 

- do not meet other requirements of CERLIS Journal, or 

- there is evidence of duplication of content/ plagiarism/ fraud.

Step 2: 

All submitted manuscripts that meet the requirements for publication defined in Step 1 are assigned to one Editor of the Editorial Board and sent out for double-blind review to two reviewers who are specialists in the field. CERLIS Journal possesses its own reviewers’ database. However, potential reviewers may be suggested by the authors. The reviewers are provided with assessment instructions and a manuscript review form. The quality of reviewers’ reports is carefully controlled by the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board. The reviewers are asked to complete the review process within six weeks.

If the manuscript is sent back to the author for revision and subsequent resubmission, the assigned Editor forwards the reviews to the author and provides further comments, if necessary, about what areas of the manuscript need revision. The revised and resubmitted manuscript is sent back to the reviewers for re-assessment. If there is no consensus between the reviewers on the quality of the submitted manuscript, the evaluation of a third reviewer may be sought.

The final decision to accept or reject the manuscript is based on the reviews and made by the Editor-in-Chief and the assigned Editors, normally within ten weeks from the manuscript receipt date.

A proof of the final version of the manuscript is sent to the author for revision.

Publication Ethics

CERLIS Journal expects all parties involved in the act of publishing commit to these publication ethics. Our Editorial Board will remove any work that does not meet these standards. Our ethic statements are based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

Authors of CERLIS Journal must undertake the following responsibilities

Reviewers of CERLIS Journal must undertake the following responsibilities

Editors of CERLIS Journal must undertake the following responsibilities

Archiving and Self-archiving

Authors may self-archive the post-print (ie the final draft post-refereeing) and the final published files in their institutional repositories.

See Copyright Notice - For Authors.

Copyright notice

The files included in Cerlis Journal are freely available: no registration or subscription required to read, print, download and share the full-text of articles.

For Authors:

The Journal does not require the transfer of copyright, that is authors retain any and all rights on the content of their papers.

The Authors authorize the Publisher to issue their articles under a Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND)” license.

The editorial format and the graphical layout of the texts published in print and/or online in the Cerlis journal remain the exclusive property of the Publisher. 

It is consequently forbidden, also in order not to damage the journal statistics, to upload the final published files to commercial websites, or such academic social network sites as Academia, Research Gate and the like, where the DOI code and/or the link to the issue homepage has to be inserted instead.


Authors may self-archive the post-print (ie the final draft post-refereeing) and the final published files in institutional officially recognised repositories, established and operated by universities and governments.

For Readers:

The works included in the Journal are licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND)” license.

The Journal provides immediate open access to its content. Nevertheless you may not use the material for commercial purposes or in commercial websites.

Any reference to material included in CERLIS Journal has to include the citation of the author and the source.  

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. 


The Publisher is not responsible and shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the works published in this website.


Francesca Bianchi (University of Salento, Italy)

Felisa Bermejo Calleja (University of Turin, Italy)

Gloria Cappelli (University of Pisa, Italy)

Maria Vita Cambria (University of Palermo, Italy)

Carmen Castillo Peña (University of Padua, Italy)

Olga Denti (University of Cagliari, Italy)

Javier Fernández Cruz (Universidad de Málaga, Spain)

Sabrina Francesconi (University of Trento, Italy)

Carmen Gregori-Signes (University of Valencia, Italy)

John Humbley (professeur émérite à l'Université de Paris, France)

Pietro Iaia (University of Salento, Italy)

Rosita Maglie (University of Bari, Italy)

Elena Manca (University of Salento, Italy)

Denise Milizia (University of Bari, Italy)

Sainz González María Eugenia (University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Italy)

Marianna Lya Zummo (University of Palermo, Italy)