Ulisse Belotti

Ulisse Belotti

Università degli Studi di Bergamo

via dei Caniana, 2

24127 Bergamo BG Italia


Ulisse Belotti is a teacher of the English Language at the University of Bergamo. His main publications concern word-formation, the language of information technologies and the main features of legal discourse with specific reference to arbitration.

Ulisse Belotti è un docente di lingua inglese presso la facoltà di Economia e Commercio dell'Università degli Studi di Bergamo. Le sue principali pubblicazioni riguardano la formazione di parola, la lingua delle tecnologie informatiche e le caratteristiche del linguaggio legale, con particolare riferimento all'arbitrato.


Belotti, Ulisse, (2018). A contrastive corpus-based analysis of Italian and Singaporean arbitration practice narratives. In: Bhatia, Vijay / Gotti, Maurizio / Hashim Azirah / Koh, Philip / Rajoo, Sundra, eds. International Arbitration Discourse and Practices in Asia. Law, Language and Communication. New York: Routledge: 67-92.

Belotti, Ulisse / Giorgetti, Maria Carla (2015). Critical Aspects of Arbitration Practices: Narratives from Singapore. In: Bhatia, Vijay / Gotti, Maurizio, eds. Arbitration Discourse in Asia. Berna: Peter Lang, Linguistic Insights 208: 1834-224.

Belotti, Ulisse, (2012). ‘Arbitration in Italy: A Two-headed Janus?’ In Discourse and Practice in International Commercial Arbitration (Issues, Challenges and Prospects). Farnham: Ashgate, 239-261. ISBN: 978-1-4094-3231-9

Belotti, Ulisse, (2012). Variations of Identity in Single-and Multi-Authored Economics RA Abstracts. In Academic Identity Traits. Bern: Peter Lang, 145-172. ISBN: 978-3-0343-1141-0

Belotti, Ulisse, (2012). Dispute Resolution Narratives. A Linguistic Analysis of Arbitration Practices. Bergamo: CELSB Libreria Universitaria, ISBN: 978-88-89804-23-0

Belotti, Ulisse, (2010). ‘Manifestations of Identity in Research Articles: the Case of Italian Economics Scholars.’ In Garzone, Giuliana /Archibald, James (eds.) Discourse, Identities and Roles in Specialized Communication. Bern: Peter Lang.

Belotti, Ulisse, (2010). ‘Unequal Discourse and the Role of Modality in the Language of Invitations for Bids.’ In Allori Evangelisti, Paola / Garzone, Giuliana. Discourse, Identities and Genres in Corporate Communication. Bern: Peter Lang, 283-302. ISBN: 978-3-0343-0591-4

Belotti, Ulisse, (2008). ‘Manifestations of Identity in Economics Research Articles Abstracts.’ In Di Martino, Gabriella / Polese; Vanda / Solly, Martin (eds.) Identity and Culture in English Domain-specific Discourse. Napoli / Roma: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 349-366.

Belotti, Ulisse, (2008). ‘Unmitigated claims in the Language of Economics Ras’. Linguistica e Filologia 27, 77-92.

Belotti, Ulisse, (2006). ‘Genre Characteristics of Invitations for Bids’. In Vijay K. Bhatia / Maurizio Gotti (eds) Explorations in Specialized Genres. Bern: Peter Lang, 219-246.

Belotti, Ulisse, (2003). ‘An Introduction to the Legal System in Italy’. In Bhatia, V. / Candlin, C. / Engberg J. / Trosborg, A. (eds) Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts of Legislation. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 193-224.

Belotti, Ulisse, (2003). ‘Genric Integrity in Italian Arbitration Rules’. In Bhatia, V. / Candlin, C. / Gotti M. (eds) Legal Discourse in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts: Arbitration Texts in Europe. Bern: Peter Lang, 19-40.

Belotti, Ulisse, (2002). ‘The Language of Italian Arbitration Rules in English: Some Measurable Aspects’. Linguistica e Filologia 15, 113-141.

Belotti, Ulisse, (2002). 'Blending and Word Manufacture in IT Jargon: Some Examples from "Wired"’. In Koskela, M. / Lauren, C. / Nordman, M. / Pilke, N. (eds) Porta Scientiae: Lingua Specialis. Vaasa: University of Vaasa, 569-582.

Belotti, Ulisse 2001. ‘Aspects of Word-formation in "Jargon Watch"’. Linguistica e Filologia 12, 131-154.