Zhizhong Guan

Zhizhong Guan

MS in Statistics

Professional Bio

I am a first-year master of Statistics student at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. I graduated from Xi 'an Jiaotong University in China, majoring in financial engineering. In the process of studying financial engineering, I realized the charm of statistics because of the problems related to time series and high-dimensional statistics. I found that too many things in the world can be analyzed and explained by statistics. In the process of applying for a master's degree, I found the project of DSMMA. I hope to use data to explain and analyze the problems behind astronomy, which will also help me understand the world with statistical tools. At the same time, diversified cooperation will also enable me to learn different cultural backgrounds in the world and how to better cooperate with others.


Personal Bio

Most of my life I don't really like to go out. I like to be alone with my thoughts and feelings. My interests include playing Texas Hold 'em poker (my favorite poker player is Mariano), CSGO (my favorite player is Twistzz),listening to music and fitness. I’m a big fan of The Three-body Problem. I love to see the best in different people and learn from them.