Sara Algeri

Sara Algeri

Assistant Professor, School of Statistics

I grew up in the Alpine foothills of Bergamo in Northern Italy. My university studies gave me the chance to live in different countries and approach different cultures. Specifically, I did my Bachelor's degree and my first Master's degree in Milan. Coming from a town of 2000 souls, there is where I first experienced ``the life in the big city''. I also had the opportunity to conduct a research project in New York City: the most exciting and enriching experience of my early 20s, and what triggered my "American dream''. While in NYC, I decided to apply to graduate schools in the US, and thanks to what I still believe was divine grace (given my disputable GRE scores, for which I have never studied), I was admitted to the statistics graduate program at Texas A&M. There is where I acquired a rigorous training in statistics and where I first learned of the field of astrostatistics. Needless to say though... College Station was quite different from NYC. That, combined with my growing interest in statistics for the physical sciences, is what ultimately brought me to London, where I conducted my doctoral studies. I moved to Minneapolis in 2018 because I like it when the temperature in Fahrenheit is lower than the temperature in Celsius. Just kidding, I came here because when it came to deciding where to go for my first real job, somebody told me "you should go in the place which you think is best for your ideas to flourish", and that is what I did. What do I do other than (Astro)statistics? I mostly try to enjoy spending time outdoors and, when time allows, I paint.