Kristi Kremers

Kristi Kremers

Professional Training Instructor

Kristi Kremers is the founder of the Change Agency. Previously, she was the Director of Faculty and Graduate Leadership Programs including the Boreas Environmental Leadership Program, the IonE Associates Program, and the ANGLES Network. Her passion is focused on training the next generation of leaders and change agents. To do this, she believes that the landscape of graduate education must be transformed to break down academic silos and provide students with the capacity and connections to work across disciplines. Kristi has lived multiple lives: a rock journalist at the young age of 16 interviewing musicians on tour buses, as an undergrad living with aboriginal tribes in Australia, two-time student body president at the U representing the largest graduate governance structure in the country, co-founder of a non-profit, co-founder of a national lobbying organization, author of 6 books in addition to being a university researcher, administrator and teacher for the past decade.