Angelo Rustichini

Angelo Rustichini

MS in Statistics

At the University of Minnesota, I will begin the M.S. in Statistics program while working in the DSMMA program to develop skills in data science. With this work, I hope to continue on my own research in decision theory, carrying this into a PhD program in Economics. To answer the inevitable challenges that will come with trying to build a full decision-making model, I will rely on a deeply inter-disciplinary foundation. This practice began at the University of Chicago where I received my B.S. in Mathematics, B.S. in Statistics, and B.A. in Economics, while spending summers at the research division of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Now, with the rigorous training I will receive at the U of M, I plan to build a diverse model of human decision-making that combines the theories of Economics, the practice of Statistics, and the backing of Mathematics.

Personal Bio

Moving to the U.S. at the age of 4, I was lucky enough to grow up in Minneapolis, just a few miles from the U of M. After finishing high school in the area, I moved to Chicago to receive my undergraduate degree at the University of Chicago. There, I received my B.A. in Economics, B.S. in Mathematics, and B.S. in Statistics. In the summers, I worked at the research division at the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis, as well as conduct my own research in decision theory at the University of Chicago Economics Department. Now, I will begin the M.S. in Statistics Program at the U of M to work on my data analysis skills, hoping to use these skills in an Economics PhD in the future. Outside the classroom, I have a huge passion for soccer. Beyond playing on the weekends and supporting my favorite team, I have a hobby for statistical analysis of the sport, looking for trends and successful patterns that are underutilized around the world. Once I finally do get my mind off statistics though, I love to do photography, cook for friends and family, and play the violin.