DSMMA Education


Internship Information and Resources

DSMMA trainees have conducted internships at the following locations.



Courses and Minor Degrees

Students receiving an NRT stipend and participating in the Data Science in Multi-Messenger Astrophysics NRT program will be required to complete the relevant coursework in this field.

For both the M.S. and Ph.D. students, the following courses will be required:

Ph.D. students will also be required to complete 4 credits of electives. The elective course list can be found below. Note that these 4 credits could be earned by doing research, e.g. through AST 8990, PHYS 8994 or STAT 8992 or a similar course. Please contact the Astrophysics Director for Graduate Studies for further information. 

Completing the above course requirements suffices to receive the minor graduate (M.S. or Ph.D.) degree in Data Science in Astrophysics. 

Students may choose electives from the following list or consult with the Astrophysics Director of Graduate Studies for additional options:

The selection of the elective course(s) must be done in consultation with the Astrophysics Director of Graduate Studies, and must be compatible with the student’s major degree requirements.