

Trainee Manual

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Postdoc Opportunities Board

Are you looking for a postdoc position? The Postdoc Opportunities Board is a free resource to help you find a postdoc position where you will thrive and succeed. The board features positions at 17 world-leading institutions, including the U of MN, in ten different states. 

Acknowledging NSF support

It is essential that presentations, journal articles and any other products that emerge from the Data Science in Multi-Messenger in Astrophysics (DSMMA) program acknowledge NSF support and include an NSF disclaimer from the samples written below. In addition, you are encouraged to use the NSF logo in presentations or on posters. If you are not sure whether to acknowledge NSF suport or not, consult the guidelines below or reach out to the NRT Program Coordinator


Acknowledgment and Disclaimer for Products:

Posters, acknowledgment slides for presentations, and in acknowledgment sections in papers should contain both (1) NSF acknowledgment and (2) NSF disclaimer below (use verbatim; do not modify the language). Use whichever version below best fits your publication or product. The minimalist version should almost always suffice.

Minimalist Version

Acknowledgement: “This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant 1922512.”

Disclaimer: “Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.”

Does a conference or publication require the PI to be specified? 

If guidelines for a conference or publication specify listing the PI, add "V.Mandic, PI". 


Acknowledgment in other venues

If you are interviewed about work that relates to DSMMA, NSF requires that you mention that the program is supported by the NSF.