Angelo Rustichini

Angelo Rustichini

MS in Statistics

Moving to the U.S. at the age of 4, I was lucky enough to grow up in Minneapolis, just a few miles from the U of M. After finishing high school in the area, I moved to Chicago to receive my undergraduate degree at the University of Chicago. There, I received my B.A. in Economics, B.S. in Mathematics, and B.S. in Statistics. In the summers, I worked at the research division at the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis, as well as conduct my own research in decision theory at the University of Chicago Economics Department. Now, I will begin the M.S. in Statistics Program at the U of M to work on my data analysis skills, hoping to use these skills in an Economics PhD in the future. Outside the classroom, I have a huge passion for soccer. Beyond playing on the weekends and supporting my favorite team, I have a hobby for statistical analysis of the sport, looking for trends and successful patterns that are underutilized around the world. Once I finally do get my mind off statistics though, I love to do photography, cook for friends and family, and play the violin.