Alex Kuhn

Alex Kuhn (he/him) 

PhD Statistics

Personal Bio: I grew up in Washington state just north of Portland, OR. Before coming to Minneapolis, I had always lived in the PNW – moving up and down I5 through Washington and Oregon. In my free time I love to cook, play my guitar or video games, and read. I also walk a lot, and my wife (Ana) and I like to try out new coffee shops. Lately I have been trying my hand at making a variety of new cocktails (or mocktails for the non-alcoholic folks), and am always looking for good restaurant/bar suggestions!

Professional Bio: I am a second year PhD student in the Statistics department here at UMN. I grew up in Washington state where I received my bachelors degree in Mathematics and minored in Psychology. My undergrad thesis involved deriving a new multiple hypothesis test procedure for repeated measures data (e.g. measuring the condition of a patient multiple times).  I moved to Oregon State University where I received a Masters in Statistics and continued to study large-scale inference problems motivated by neuroscience and genomics (and, in hindsight, astrophysics!). Here at UMN I have broadened my focus a bit and am interested in a variety of high-dimensional statistical and computationally intensive statistical problems motivated by collaboration outside the field.