
Did you know ?

Did you know that lock-down is actually helping the environment more as we are not leaving our houses and disturbing the environment. This is the perfect time to take action for the environment.

Activities you may do to engage and support the environment to help and improve the future :

  • Growing some vegetables with your your family in your garden

  • Planting some trees or flowers in your backyard

  • Exploring a nearby nature protection area or even investigating about native animals.

How can my small help improve and save the planet?

You might be wondering, "How can my small help like planting trees and growing fruits impact the whole, broad planet?" Well, every attempt starts small and multiplies bigger. If everyone in our planet just plants one tree,that becomes more than 7 billion trees! So, just with your little and encouraging others to do it, our planet can be much better than the planet today.

These are all great things you can do to help the environment and great places you can go after the lockdown ends. Some of these places are:

  • The Koala sanctuary, Port Stephens, 2h 30mins drive from sydney

  • The Bombah Point Eco-lodges, 2h 40min drive from sydney

  • The Castle hill bush care group, Sydney

These are all great places you can go to after lockdown to have fun and learn about the environment

What can you do to help the environment?

"What can you do to help the environment in lock - down?" You might wonder like this. However, lock- down is the best time to help and care about our planet.

Lock- down isn't an excuse for laziness...

This page will give you plenty of great and fun ideas and activities of how you can help the environment. Make sure you have fun, do your best and be the best eco-warrior you can.

Did you know?

Did you know, that there is a day for planting plants? It's on March 12th and it is called the National Flower Plant Day. People all around the world plant trees, flowers and even some fruits to save and protect the planet. This can be a great opportunity to start to be a Eco - Warrior!