Dairy of a Wimpy Kid


The book 'Dairy of a Wimpy Kid' is a great book and always makes me laugh. Dairy of a Wimpy Kid has a long series and I don't think you will ever get tired of it, I have read it about a million times and it still gets me to laugh. This book is basically about a kid who goes to high school with his only real friend, they run into many problems and have to find solutions. One problem being his mum dragging him into a play. I also like that the author has made the main character really relatable. This character is also a bit sarcastic. Something else that really engages me in this book is the story line, because of how it just keep's on going up and down, like a wave.

I would rate this book a 4/5 because of how the author engages the audience, and Gregs character and his human characteristics. I wouldn't give it a 5/5 because I think the author could of made his characters a bit more different, when compared to a normal kids book. Apart from that I would suggest for you to dive right into this book.