Egg Sushi

Egg Sushi

This dish comes from Japan and there is 3 different variaties of this dish and in Japan is called "Tamago Sushi".


  • 2xEggs

  • 1 teaspoon of sugar

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • 1 spoon of soy sauce

  • Seaweed cut into small strips

  • 2 cups of sushi rice

  • Olive Oil


  • Spatula

  • Small squared fry pan

  • Fork

  • Small sushi mould

  • Small bowl

  • Plate

  • Knife


  1. Cook 2 cups of sushi rice

  2. Crack the 2 eggs into a small bowl

  3. Then whisk the eggs for about 30-40 seconds

  4. Turn on the stove on and put the squared fry pan

  5. Add some oil on the fry pan and get it around the whole pan

  6. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 spoon of soy sauce

  7. Pour a quarter of the mixture into the fry pan

  8. When it looks like it has formed then use the spatula to fold the egg into the right side

  9. Then pour another quarter of the mixture again and wait till it forms and fold it next to the other egg

  10. Pour the rest of the mixture into the pan and when it forms the pan should have just egg on it

  11. Use the spatula to get the egg on a plate

  12. Wait until the rice has cooked then get the sushi mould and make as many as you can

  13. After you have made as many as you can then cut the egg into how many sushi rolls you made

  14. Then put the sushi roll onto a strip of seaweed and leave some space for the egg then put a piece of egg onto the small space then roll it up

Dōzo omeshiagarikudasai (Enjoy your meal!)

This is how you can make delicious Tamago sushi roll by following the steps.