Adriano's Bruschetta


Making a delicious Bruschetta is an easy and simple Italian dish that will blow your mind away once you take your first crunchy bite. Bruschetta comes from my Italian heritage and is mainly served as a started dish. Bon appetite!


  • 4 tomatoes chopped in small pieces with seeds removed

  • 2 garlic cloves crushed

  • A ¼ of a red onion finely chopped

  • 2 tablespoons of finely chopped basil

  • A ¼ of a cup of olive oil

  • 1 long stick bread and slice it

  • 1 garlic clove cut in half


  • Knife

  • Oven

  • Spoon for stirring

  • 2 chopping boards

  • Medium bowl

  • tray


  1. Firstly turn your oven on at 180 degrees.

  2. Place the tomatoes on the chopping board and carefully cut the tomatoes in half. With a small teaspoon, remove the seeds from the tomatoes. Then cut the tomatoes again in small cube pieces. After that put the cubed tomatoes in your medium bowl.

  3. Place your crushed garlic and add it with your cubed tomatoes.

  4. Next you need your quarter of a red onion. Delicately, with your knife chop your red onion in tiny pieces. To complete, add the red onion with the cubed tomatoes and the garlic in the medium bowl.

  5. Get your basil leaves that has been chopped finely and add it with your cubed tomatoes, garlic and the red onion.

  6. Finally, pour your olive oil into the bowl. With your spoon, gently stir your tomato mixture. Season with salt and pepper.

  7. On your second chopping board place your long stick bread and cut into 1cm slices.

  8. Get your tray and place some baking paper on top of your tray. Place the bread on your tray and put it the oven and wait 5 minutes until you see your bread is crispy.

  9. Once your bread is ready take your bread out of the oven and put the bread on a serving dish.

  10. You will need your half garlic clove, rub the garlic over each piece of bread.

  11. Top each slice of bread with your tomato mixture and sprinkle some basil on top.

  12. Serve your dish immediately

I hope you enjoy my delicious bruschetta which is from my Italian culture. It’s easy, simple and a colourful dish to serve. Next time try adding some Balsamic glaze or cut up bocconcini cheese.

  • Serving- 4 people

  • How long? 20 minute preparation and 10 minutes cooking time