Arts and crafts


Arts and crafts are a perfect way to blow off those inside hours of boredom. Read more to find some creative and colourful crafts.


Drawing Equipment

  • Pencil

  • Paper

  • Rubber

  • Sharpener

Think Drawing is Easy?

People might be thinking drawing a stickman might be very easy but people can be one of the hardest things you can draw. As you can see in this image this man is drawing a very good detailed person. Drawing things like this can take up to hours obviously I won't make you draw for 2 hours. I will show you how to draw a simply person.

Steps to Draw a person

Step 1: The first thing that you want to do is draw a circle for a head.

Step 2: Second thing you want to do is draw a line from the head and a little line to the side then go up but stop when it gets close to the head stop and do that on both sides.

Step 3: Next thing you want to do is draw a line down from the arm and make the right size make sure it is not big and do a line that is the same length as the other arm then connect the line to the arm to make a body.

Step 4: Last thing you want to do is the legs which are a bit easy all you need to is draw 2 rectangles connecting to the body and you do 1 on each side.