Fruit Salad

The summer breeze all throughout the house. The calming taste of juicy pineapples and crunchy apples. Today we are making a simple fruit salad that I think is most easy. I chose this food because it is very simple and easy. I very much like to eat this and anyone can make it. This recipe is mouth-wateringly tasty with its simplicity and its delicious taste, I’m sure you’ll love it! This is the most unique recipe you’ll ever see and this taste will explode your taste buds!


  • Chopped apples

  • Canned pineapples

  • 3 Pre Oven-baked potatoes

  • I-2 cups of Coleslaw

  • Canned sweet corn

  • 3-4 apples


  • One large bowl

  • Cling film

  • (optional)Fridge

  • Spatula


  1. Open the canned pineapples and strain them so there is no excess liquid.

  2. Still in the can chop the pineapples into quarters as evenly as possible.

  3. Grab the bowl and carefully tip the pineapples into the bowl and leave it to the side.

  4. Use the same sift to strain all of the excess water from the sweet corn add them to the pineapples.

  5. Now grab your baked potatoes and remove the foil.

  6. Immediately after removing the foil, chop the potatoes into eighths and add them to the bowl.

  7. Then chop the apples in half and remove the core.

  8. After that chop, the apples into small pieces or into pieces chopped to size as you like.

  9. Immediately after chopping the apples, put them into the bowl and mix them with the other ingredients.

  10. When you have added everything, add 1 to 2 cups of coleslaw and mix them thoroughly.

  11. (Optional step) Once you’ve finished mixing, cover the bowl with cling wrap and immediately put it into the fridge.

  12. After 45 minutes in the fridge take the salad out and remove the cling wrap.

  13. After that mix the salad one more time and enjoy!