Photography 2

At the beginning of the photo to I think that I took very good photos and three of them were definitely by far my favorites, I think that looking back on last year doing photo one I didn't have much experience and my photos or as creative I guess you could say. And some of them just weren't very clean looking. I think that the strongest images that I took over the course of photo 2 in our digital unit were: Grease, Concentrate, Relevé, Family, Marriage, Ella, Selective Cows, Vanilla, Pink. And for my photojournalism photo, 2 unit was Six Feet Apart, Together, Peaceful, Gettin’ Old. In my opinion, I think that this year I was able to find more creative ways oh showing what I had as of vision for my photos and I think that the Artist sketches really help find a more creative mine set And have you think more about what you want your images to look like and it kind of gives you like a plan of what to have for your objects what kind of editing you want in your photos as well. I think that my style from photo one has completely changed because in photo 1 a lot of my photos are taken outside and they're more like creative landscape but also not the same time they were just photos from a. Now my photos better strongest or more like portrait then landscape and I actually think that I like portrait a lot better because you can show a lot more emotion through portraits and threw people been through a like cityscape or landscape and with the resources that I do have which is not having the best kind of landscapes and not living in a city to get those more creative, more in-depth, more emotional photos that a lot of famous artists are known for. I think that being able to go to more places is something that is very needed in photography so not all of your photos are from the same place and just from your back yard. and you don't need a professional photography studio to get black and white portrait images with a solid background you can do what I did and I made a black box you can use black fabric to put behind a person you can also use Photoshop to have a solid background which is what I didn't one of my photos but I didn't do a black background I used the color of the wall that was originally behind the photo.