

I’m calling this project, TAP because the shoes that I used for this photo are heel Taps. The subject is the heel taps and has a solid background. I chose to create this specific work because I needed more images that were a part of my concentration and I always use my pointe shoes in my photos that are dance-related so I chose to use a different pair of shoes instead I used my tap shoes. For materials, I used my tap shoes, photoshop, a white flat board rested on an object. I used a variety of techniques and methods including painting all of the background one colors and using the history brush to fix where paint overlapped onto the shoes I also created a shadow by making to opacity low enough so it would be clear enough so it wasn’t a solid color but dark enough to show up. While creating this work, I paid close attention to making this photo look like it was in front of a backdrop as much as I could by using photoshop it paints in a solid background and add a shadow at the bottom of the shoes. To add interest to my composition, I did not use correction on the shoes, I didn’t what to cover up to discoloration on the tips of my shoes. I like the way this photo came out and I am proud of the fact that using the paint bucket was a mistake, and I figured out how to fix it to make it better. However, I struggled with finding new ways to incorporate dance in with my photos without being able to be near people. If I created another work like this I may use a dancer with a bright background. My work shows that I learned minimalism.