

I’m calling this photo of hands, “Grease” because there is grease and oil on this set of hands.

The subject of this photo is the dirty hands, and I chose to make these hands dirty for this photo because, for my other photos they will be the opposite, they will be delicate and clean. These hands show hard work and what hands of a mechanic look like after working hard. To make this photo I had to make a “black box” and I did not have time to go and by fabric, so I got 4 canvas panels, painted them all black and then duck taped them together. Then I had my father put his dirty hands in the box. I had two lights on in the room but just so the camera could focus on his hands so it would be very clear. While I was getting ready to take more photos after the first three fails I turned on two lights so when the flash went off it would not come out blurry. When I was planning out this photo and how I wanted it to look I needed to find a way to make a black background, which I succeeded with. In this photo, I like the way that the grease on my fathers’ hands gave them definitions. I am most proud of how clear this photo came out. The only thing I had slightly struggled with was figuring out how to get a black background and making it because the process was messy and I needed to be quick.
