
covid-19 high school

I’m calling this project, Covid-19 high school because during this pandemic of the coronavirus everything is shut down for safety. The subject is what school because of covid-19. I chose to create this specific work because this is what schooling looks like for me, sitting at my desk in my dark bedroom. For materials, I used my desk, the objects on my desk, my laptop, school books, battery for my camera. While creating this work, I paid close attention to angle by taking photos from a front view and an angled side view. I wanted my artwork to look neat and I did that by cleaning off my desk and hinding how chaotic it really was. To add interest to my composition, I hid what online schooling would look like if it was normal school, piles and piles of work. I like the way this looks and I am proud of the grain filter that I added. However, I struggled with getting the photo to look how I wanted it to. If I created another work like this I may put piles of paper all over the desk. My work shows that I learned photojournalism.