Time Capsule Drawings

For this project we were asked to create three drawings. We were asked to draw an object of our choice, a corner of a room and a self portrait. For my object I drew a charging cord block for an iphone, for the corner of a room I drew the corner of one of my classrooms in the high school. I chose to do a charging block because I thought it was a different object from what other people were going to do, I also thought it would be cool to try to draw the shadows that would be created with it. I chose the classroom that I did because I thought the corner had more value and different posters that I thought would make the drawing look more unique and add more effect. The point of drawing the self portraits were to do one in the beginning of the year and do one later in the year and see if we improve our techniques and see if the end result looked more like yourself than the original drawing. This drawing relates to my life because it was all projects that I created and they were all things I have touched and seen. If I were to go back, I think I would take more time and put more detail into all my pieces. I think I would also choose a different object that had more detail and smaller pieces that would look better than the charging block.