Abstract shoe drawing

For this assignment we were asked to draw three views of a show. Once we did that, we were asked to choose your favorite section from on of the shoes and use a view finder to subject out that section. After that, we drew what we saw inside of the view finder into one of three rectangles on a paper. After that we continued to zoom and crop. This meant that out of the first rectangle, we chose another favorite section with the view finder and drew that, after we did that one more time into another rectangle. Out of those three rectangles, we chose our favorite and put that onto a larger piece of paper with another larger rectangle (seen right). To this abstract shoe drawing, I used the 4B pencil so I could create good texture but also have nice skinny but also thick lines.

For this drawing, I used specific elements such as color, line, and texture. This is because for color I needed to add something to make the drawing abstract, so I used color which also created texture. This is because, the patterns I decided to use with color created those textures. I used line whenever I made a mark or any sort of line on the piece of paper. I used shape whenever I used the lines to close one another to create a shape. Some principles of design that I used to create my abstract art drawing were balance, contrast, pattern, rhythm. I used balance and pattern because, whenever I created those patterns with the color, it created a sense of balance with the location and darkness of the color. I uses rhythm because the way I organized my colors, patterns and shape.

The meaning and story about my artwork kind of describes me. I think this because, it shows and creates a sense of balance, and confusion. This I think relates to me because both of those aspects are apart of my life, because of how I act and speak. Some parts that I am proud of in my artwork is the color and pattern. This is because, I like the color schemes and how I decided to mix certain colors together. I liked the pattern because, of some of the patterns I used like the pink and yellow spiral along with the green dots and red and tan lines. I struggled with coming up with ideas for patterns and size of the shapes. I overcame these struggles but looking up some ideas, and also adding some extra lines to make some shaped smaller. If I could make the abstract shoe drawing better, I would probably take more time with neatness. Also, if I were to restart, I think I would make the shoe look like something in nature, not just a bunch of patterns and shapes