Linear Perspective

At first, to get a background of what we would be doing in this assignment we watched videos that gave us insight about what we would be doing. After we watched these videos we knew what we would be doing with the drawings. The first drawing that we drew was a formative. This was to draw five shapes going off from the vanishing point. The vanishing point is the point of perspective that the shapes will be based off of. Next we were asked to create a room that had certain things within the room. We were required to put in a couch, table, chairs, wall shelf, windows or painting, and floor or ceiling panels. Finally, we were asked to draw somewhere in the school. I chose to sit down in the math wing, looking towards the office. The hallway was a summative for this project. This project was made with a 2H pencil so I could make sharp, light and precise lines that are easy to erase in case I made a mistake. The elements of art that I used to create this project was line, shape, value, form, and space. I used line whenever I created a line to use shape. Then I used shape when I used the lines to create closed shapes, for example when I did the floor tiles o r tiles. I used value whenever I shaded parts that were darker than others so I could create illusion within the picture. I sued form when I created the door frames and created depth. I used space for the actual size the room was created. I didn't really use any principles of design because I was drawing what I saw. The one principle of design I used was pattern. My project has evolved from before. This is because, when I was first creating the walls, doors and pictures, I had no shading. So when I finished without shading, I noticed I needed to go back so I did and added shading to provide a little bit of color. There really isn't a meaning behind the artwork. This is because, we were told to draw what we see, so I couldn't add anything different to add meaning because I didn't see it in the hallway. The project relates to my life because, it's part of the main hallway that I walk down everyday, so therefore it's apart of my life. I am most proud of the door way and doors. This is because, the doors all had a weird thickness and layers so it was harder to draw. I struggled with the ceiling tiles. This is because, I didn't know how to originally do the gaps, because I was thinking about it too much and making it harder than it actually was. I think my artwork could be a lot neater and have more meaning and emphasis. If I were to go back, that's what I would change.