Inclusion project

Everyone belongs on the same side of the fence


Ideas that are visually evident in my work, also the story is that people shouldn't be separated just because of a disability they may have. In my drawing i wanted to show this by having a fence with people that have no disabilities on the opposite side of those who do, then arrows pointing to an image of them being on the same side. This project relates to my life because I drew it and came up with the ideas. Other than that it doesn't really relate to my life because I don't have a disability like that.

For this project the materials I used were pencil to outline the boarders, scissors to cut out the paper that the two different images were on, I also used colored pens to add some detail and color. Finally I used crayon so the background isn't completely white, so instead I added a tan-ish orange color.

The process of creating this work was first coming up with what specific disability I wanted to be visually evident in my work. I decided that I wanted to have a wheelchair in it because that could mean a few different disabilities to more people overall could relate to it. Next I cut out the separate pieces of paper so it would have more visual pleasure to the pieces overall. Then I just needed to decide how I wanted it to look so I added color with the pens then glued down the pieces of paper. My project evolved overtime because before I had no color because I wanted the message to be dark and that it's bad to exclude, but overtime I thought it would look better if I added color. With the color I made it so the one with the people on opposite sides darker colors and the other one is lighter colors to show that it is better in that way than it is in the other. My next steps could be to make the people more realistic because with the stick figures I feel like it makes it look more childish.