2D Design

Semester 1 reflection

Throughout this year of 2D design, I personally think that I have gained skills further and more complicated than I walked in with. Even though it only lasted half of a year, I still learned and gained knowledge and information about creating meaningful artwork that I create. I believe that I am able to say proudly that I have learned a lot and that I am happy I took this class instead of having a study hall because it allows me to express emotions in another way other than through talking, I can basically have a free mind when drawing or creating artwork on paper.

I think generally the artwork that I have been most successful with is artwork that involved some sort of painting whether it was with acrylic or just water color. I think this because some of my personal best pieces have been created with paint like circle project, elements and principles of design project, and 2 of my sustained investigations. I am really proud of how I have developed over time with my abilities of working with paint because I believe I know how to create what I want to create using paint. I think that the place I struggled with is working with colored pencils. You can see this in my inclusion project, beautiful oops, and the whatchamadrawit. I think I struggled the most here with colored pencils because when I used them there seems to be a reoccurring theme of lots of white space. I think when I use color pencils it would look much better to burnish the colored pencils so the lines are much nicer and just overall creates a much better image to look at instead of it looking messy and blotchy like I kind of have it in the three projects I mentioned.

I have a lot of goals moving forward. I think I want to maintain my goal of doing art a few times a week because I found it to help me out a bit with stress and anxiety because it kind of gave me a break from reality and what life was really like. I also found art class to be very soothing and helpful overall. Another goal I want to have with my artwork moving forward is to just take my time and really analyze my artwork and what I want to do instead of just jumping into it and having to restart because it got pretty tiring and annoying having to restart a few times and still not knowing what I wanted to do. A final goal I want to have is to just continue using different tools and materials because It seemed that throughout this year I worked a little harder to do so when creating my different pieces of artwork. I also think that doing so I would just continue to get better with creating artwork overall.