Historical Coil Pot

This assignment was to research a type of ancient pot that had to be at least 1000 years old. This was to make sure it was an ancient pot and we would use our imagination to make the pot as similar as we could to the historical pot.

To do this, I researched a pot that was made in 14 BCE in Rome. I used coils to make this pot and using the coil machine, I pressed clay into the machine to make perfect coils. This took a lot of coils to build up, about 14. The structure of this pot got smaller and thinner at the top, so I did just that. Before this, I smoothed the inside and outside of the pot then continued to make smaller coils and add it to the top of the pot. Lastly, I used a slab to make two handles, scratched them together using slip, then waited for this to be fired.

If I were to do this project again, I would make sure the coils around the pot were evenly thick. At the end result, the problem was the pot was a little bit lopsided, which was because the coils were different thickness'.