
Artist Statement:

For this photo, I was thinking about what friends looked like to me when I cant see people in person. I quickly thought of how connected we still are because of technology and how you can talk to anyone in the world instantly. So I chose to do my photo on this. To take the photo I went onto a platform that many of my friends use to talk to each other with. Then what I did was I just went to the friends list and took the photo. I chose to do an angle up photo, this is so you get a heavy amount of repetition in the photo from all the names and icons all stacked on each other. I took the photo and put it into photoshop.

In photoshop I first put a black and white layer over it, then I used the eraser tool to get rid of the black and white from the icon that tells you the status of that person (online, offline, away, or do not disturb). Then I used the blur tool to blur the image. I am not sure why but I liked it better blurred a little bit so I kept it. I finished out with a brightness and contrast adjustment layer. After that, I was done. Overall I like the photo I feel that the selective color helps make it a more interesting shot.