About Me

About Me:

My name is Joseph Lodato. I was born in Portland Maine. I am blessed(?) by being an only child. I have no brothers or sisters. At home, my family speaks English but sometimes I will say something in Latin or Italian just to mess with my parents. But in all seriousness we just speak English. In the future, I want to be a software developer. In 5 years I will hopefully be in college studying Computer Science or Data Science while interning at local tech companies. My mother went collage for art while studying interior design/architecture. One thing that I am most proud of is an app that I am making for a competition. Although it is not finished yet I am proud of the current product. In my free time I enjoy playing tennis, sailing (sometimes too much) and programing various projects that I think of. I enrolled in this course for a few reasons. This first is simply I need an art credit. And when I looked at all the art credits that I could get photography caught my eye the most. I am most interested in the photographer William Eggleston. I'm not fully sure what it is I like about his work but I do know that I like the simplicity of is photos and how he makes things pop by using contrasting colors. I touched on my idea job earlier but I would say that my "dream job" would be a software developer. Something about creating programs and applications is really fun for me. If I had to describe myself in three adjectives I would say that they would be the following. Resourceful, creative and a strong leader.

Artistic Inspirations

William Eggleston, Untitled, 1971, 20x30"

I am drawn to this work because I find the contrast form the warm and cool colors on the building and sky respectively make the image unique and interesting.

Steven Ahlgren,View from roadside, 1998, 22x32"

I am drawn to this work because I like that the tangled mess of the tree branches make a chaotic area but leaving the sky clear counters that a little bit.

Doug Aitken, Mirage Gstaad, 2019,16x20'

I am drawn to this work because I like the minimalist feel that having the house reflect the snow gives. The

Keliy Anderson-Staley, Winslow Homer's Ocean View: Wave, Rocks, and Barnacles, 8x10" 2012.

I am drawn to this work because I like how in the image there is that rock that curves around form the left to the middle. When I look at the picture I like that my eyes are drawn along it.
I am drawn to this work becuase of the simplicity of the blue sky with the red leaves contrasting from it. I also like that the sky is dark blue at the top of the image and gets lighter as you work your way down.

William Eggleston, Untitled, 8x10", 1978