Photography II


This year I took both photography one and two, this meant that I learned a lot about photography in one year. One thing that I found interesting about the two classes after taking them back to back is how similar they are but at the same time how different they are. This semester was much like the first quarter of photo one. I think that if we were able to do work in the darkroom, it would be a lot like the second quarter of photo one. However, even though the style of the class was the same, the two classes were radically different at the same time. Photography one was a really good class to learn the basics of photography. I learned composition, basics of a film camera, and much more fundamentals. While in photo two we still used the fundamentals of course, but we learned much more advanced ways of enhancing a photo with photoshop. In photo two I learned countless techniques in photoshop. Different ways of removing an object in a photo, how to manipulate colors of a photo, all sorts of different layers, the list goes on. If I had to sum up the two classes in a sentence photo one would be "learn to take good photos" and photo two would be, "learn to make good photos better".

Over the semester I used these skills to improve my photographs. At the start of the year, you can see in my photographs that I did not know how to use photoshop well, you can see this in the feet image. I tried to do an effect of a color change but I was just unable to, however after a few weeks I learned this. You can see the improvements just a few photos later in the love is photo. I was able to manipulate the colors very well. This is the image I am most proud of because if the improvement. While the feet image was the most challenging one because I was unable to do the edit I had in mind.

My photo show my strengths and weakness as a learner. You can see this by just looking at the subjects. I am a very quiet person that likes to work alone most of the time. In my photos, there are no photos where the subject is someone else. All of them are objects or me.