My Favorites

Artist Statement

My first image is one I took originally that wasn’t going to be for any project in particular. It is one day when I decided to go for a walk in the woods. It is in an image of me walking on a log taken from my perspective. I ended up using it as the angled down image for the digital compositions project. In this photo, I try to convey to the viewer a walk in the woods through my perspective. The image is of what I saw while I was walking along a fallen tree. I used leading lines (the sides of the log) to draw the viewer’s attention down the log to my foot(the subject of the image). This works quite well whenever I view this image I focus my attention down the log and onto my foot. I am a big fan of this image because it was so fun to take. Being in the outdoors is one of my favorite activities and I spent a solid four hours straight in the woods on the day that I took this image. My second image is one of the brick wall of the school that I took for our very first project(the photo edits project). It is a close-up image of the wall that I edited to bring out the color. I was trying to convey the repetition of life with this image. People grow up, go to school, then get stuck in the gridlock of life and don’t really do anything that interesting. I think the grid pattern of the bricks conveys my message nicely. I used repetition to make my image. The pattern of the bricks fits that category very well. I felt as though that aspect of photography conveyed my message the way I wanted it to. My favorite thing about this image is how the vignette seems to isolate the colorful pattern of the image and make it stronger. Other than that I just really enjoy how this image looks. Both of these images have vignettes that seem to create a feeling, almost of isolation. Both of the images have distinct colors that when combined with the vignette look very cool I think. These images are also very different though. While one shows the freedom of the forest the other conveys the depressing gridlock of modern life. That is part of the reason I chose these two images. I don’t notice any sort of visible connection between the two images but that is likely because I created them and I really only look at my images. One of them is very uncharacteristic of me. The brick image doesn’t fit my personality. I tend to enjoy taking images of nature over man-made objects. Overall I very much enjoyed taking both of these images and using them to personalize my idea of what photography should be.