Linoleum Prints

Drawing on Linoleum Block

So, for the top two artworks I basically just decided to do a cool design/pattern. The picture on the left is the first sketch in sharpie and the picture on the right is after I carved my linoleum block. For the bottom 4 pictures I decided to have a theme of doing flowers. The first picture (the one on the left) is just the one with black ink and a flower. The next picture is the one with black AND blue ink and a flower. The next one is the one with black and blue ink and a flower, it also has some purple coloring on it (in between some of the white space). Then, the last one I did on a picture of a cat from a animal magazine. It does have a faint flower on it, but it's more of a pattern one. To make these, I used: 2 linoleum blocks, a sharpie, a linoleum block carving tool, an ink roller, black and blue ink, paper, and a page from a magazine. The process for the top-left picture was I took my linoleum block and I drew my sharpie design on it. Then for the top-right picture I carved the design on my linoleum block. For the bottom ones I took my ink and put it on my flower carved linoleum blocks, then printed them onto my paper (and magazine page for the last picture).

Carved Linoleum Block

4 Final Linoleum Prints