Designing Abstraction

Design Worksheet

Final Product

For this assignment, we had to fill in each square in the design matrix with something that applied to both words (balance & space, for example). Then after we finished that, we had to choose one (or more) to make into a full artwork. I chose the square of movement & space. I wanted my actual piece of art to have color so I chose green. At the time of making this it was close to Halloween, so I thought I could make it into a witch's brew kind of design. I colored the other side black, but it looks more dark green because the ink was running out. The strokes are very intentional & I wanted it to be like that for the final product. I added circles to be kind of like bubbles in the brew. For this piece, I used crayola markers & a black pen. I like the final product & think it looks mostly how I envisioned it.