


Bisque fired

Glaze fired

For this assignment, we chose an element (earth, fire, air, or water) & had to have our pieces be connected to that element -- if that makes sense. I chose to do earth for my element & I wanted to make a small vase for some flowers. I used the pinch technique for the body, then added a couple coils on top. I had my glazes be teal and mint, I believe, because I felt like those were kind of earthy colors... I ran into some troubles making my vase, I remade it & I messed up the glaze. I was going to make it smoother, but we went on february break & it dried out... so I just kept it as is. I wanted to make this because I wanted to get flowers anyways, and now I'll have a vase for them! After I'm able to take it home, I'm going to get the flowers for it.

I actually made 2 because 1 was a fail, but neither were what i wanted