Tile Design

Four-Sided Ferns

17" X 17" (tiles are 4 1/4" X 4 1/4" each)

Glazed Ceramic

This piece was heavily inspired by the t-shirt designs I made last year.  I wanted to create a tile that could tesselate in two different ways. These two patterns reflect the flow and movement of nature. The ferns appear to sway as they pass from tile to tile, which reflect the ways in which nature is in a constant state of change.  

I used PC-27, Tourmaline, to glaze this piece.  I tested four different glazes and decided to use tourmaline because I liked the way that it imparted small patterns on the glaze that I didn't have control over.  I thought this reflected the seemingly random but detailed patterns of nature, and added to the meaning of the piece as a whole. 

Although I am very pleased with the result, the glaze is a little bit darker that I would have liked, resulting in some of the detail being harder to see in the tiles.  Furthermore, I wish I had been more precise with the edges of the tiles so that they lined up more precisely.