Landscape Investigation 2

Grey Mountains

7 1/2 X 5

Ink and graphite on Illustration Board

In this piece I was trying to figure out how to create more visual interest in my linework, and create a piece that connected to the landscape around where I live. In the forest and the mountains, I used loose lines that not only were interesting to look at but also suggested contour lines like on a topographic map. In the sky I used light, thin lines that looked like a cheap ballpoint pen that was low on ink, although I used technical ink pens, to create what I felt was the presence of wind. This work was a further exploration into the lines present in the landscapes of north america.

To make this work, I used micron technical ink pens, and graphite pencils on illustration board. I definitely did not push my boundaries in terms of materials whatsoever in this piece, but I feel I further explored the capabilities of materials I am comfortable with.

This was piece was based upon a photograph I took of Mount Katahdin from a overlook along a road in Patton, Maine. While I did not want to simply copy the photograph, I did want to use a similar composition in my piece. Then, for the contour-like lines in the mountains and forest, I was inspired by two pieces I did last year for my designing abstraction project, and decided to try to use those lines inside a more representational piece. As a result of being based upon a photograph and building on previous works, I did not do much planning when it came to this piece, only a few rough sketches.

Some basic sketches to solidify the plan for the composition.

The Image that the composition is loosely based upon.