Ceramics II

Final Reflection:

While I may have struggled to like my pieces this semester, I believe that my experience in Ceramics II has ultimately been successful.  Looking at my technical ability when it came to clay construction at the beginning of the year I have come a long way.  The key with ceramics is patience, which I often do not possess.  I was able to learn this process of patience by the end of the duality project, and my commitment to becoming a better ceramicist resulted in the creation of a bowl with holes which is my favorite ceramic work that I have created.  My primary struggles with this class were with my own frustration and battle with perfectionism.  I had a hard time understanding that each piece was just a learning opportunity, rather than an indicator of my entire artistic ability as a whole.  With the clay, I had a hard time judging the wetness of the clay, and often would not wait patiently enough for the clay set up.  This would result in some wobbly and poorly built pieces.  I overcame these struggles slowly, as I learned how to work with the clay more efficiently.  While my judgement of the clay improved, I was able to create pieces I was pleased with. 

My favorite project this year was the duality project, followed closely by the tile project.  I enjoyed the opportunity to explore themes I am passionate about through art, such as the flow and design of nature. My least favorite project was the eccentric teapot design because I struggled with the construction of the piece and the concepts that informed its design.  

The biggest difference between my ceramic work last semester and my ceramic work this semester is the more conceptual and informed design choices.  Last semester I simply tried to make objects out of clay, while this semester I feel as though I made true art out of clay.  The distinction there is a large one.  My pieces this semester explored themes I am interested in, whereas my work last semester was simply an attempt to create pieces that met my high standards.

Thank you for a fantastic four years Mr. A.  I think that your teaching has been the biggest sole influence on my artwork.